Gen II diagnostics

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I Drink Alone

Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
Anderson SC
Have had '07 for about 2 months and followed the CO adjustment procedure first to just see if previous owner had done the Barbarian Jumper mod. Got the dIAG screen but with d:01 setting at 16, then d:03 at 98, d:70 at 0, then d:62 at 3 and the whirring noise you get when you first turn the switch on began and kept going until I switched it off. I'm assuming this is maybe fuel pump?? and 3 seconds is how long it runs when switched on? Bigger question; what are the others? and what else of usefulness can I get to through this method? and if I do the BJM will I still be able to access anything other than idle CO?

If all this info is out there somewhere I didn't have successful search parameters.

All kindsa info here on the BJM. (too much, actually!)

Try using google for your searching. eg: barbarian mod

Short answer to your last question: Everything else about the diag screen remains; you just now have ability to alter the idle CO

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Here is a primer for the diAG system, click the link to see the codes and read the how-to.

If do the Barbarian Jumper you will be able to access the normal diAG codes as well as the CO settings. (I would suggest you just leave the CO alone, you won't hurt anything but probably won't make things better either. Your Gen II has different issues than the Gen I.)

When you got the diAG screen and saw d:01 you were seeing diagnostic code 1 and the value 16 that was read for code 1 at the bottom of the display. d:01 is the throttle position sensor, turning the throttle will cause the reading to show 16 (throttle is cracked open 16% to allow for idle) to 98%-100% (fully open throttle) d:03 was diAG code 3 and the value for code 3 was 98. This is reading the intake air pressure in Kilo-Pascal units.

The whirring is the fuel pump running for 3 seconds.

diAG will let you read all the sensors, will let you read any error codes, plus there are actuator codes which will let you turn on things like the coils, fuel injectors and radiator fans.

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Excellent. Just what I was looking for. I will do the BJM and bump CO's because I have installed G2 throttle and still have some jerkiness going from decal to accel in the twisties. Have found that info on this site already. Thanks for the help.

I.D.A. If you 're trying to smooth the throttle out on the 07 which I believe to be like my 06 put a pcv on it . I did the B mod, the g2, the throttle spring, keeping the throttle bodyies synch.and all for not. When I put the PCV on it it was like a totally differant bike. The negative was you loose the avg mpg. I have only the PCV on I diddn't swap out the ox sensor still factory. The bike runs cooler,by a bar maybe two, if my mpg changed I haven't noticed, but the throttle is sooo smooth its like a differant bike.

I took the advice from this form and ordered it. It installed so quick and easy I trippled checked everything before firing the bike off thinking I missed something. Have had it apx a year now with probley 2k on it, 46k on the bike.

What I have noticed is when I'm on cruise for a long period of time I get a fault code. If I take it off cruise and use the throttle the code goes away. I'v never got in to the code as the bike still is running really well.I believe the code is the ox senser. Just thought I would add my 2cents good luck. Bill

The '06 and '07 were the worst for lean fuel mapping and from what I gather, the throttle snatch issue too (although all seem to have it to some degree). The throttle snatch is my pet peeve, and quite frankly, you're not going to get rid of it. As for the barbarian mod, I'll agree with bhick. Skip it and get a PCV as these two years need it for sure.

BTW, I am seeking alternative solutions for the snatch issue from a couple of suppliers, but I'm not expecting results will come cheap, or real soon...
