Gen3 cowling removal

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2011
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Well, I pulled the trigger on a Gen3 (#521) after looking at VFR1200 and riding Tenere, Guzzi, and Duc Multistrada (and seriously considered just keeping my fantastic Gen2). I'll post my impressions later.

Right now, I am trying to removing the left side cowling so I can access the battery and run wiring to a fuzeblock. I have all the fasteners that I can find removed and it's loose except around the headlamp/dash area. I don't see anything I can do, so I presume I've run into some tabs.

I don't want to break anything, so I am looking for some guidance on how to get it off. tnx...

If ya take a look in the owners manual it shows what has to be removed to get to the battery. It probably does a better job of explaining it then I can.


I'm attempting to take off the big side panel, too. That's where I'm hung up. It doesn't seem to be covered in the owners manual.

For the panel in front of the instruments...

There is a tab on each side that needs depressed with a screw driver after you pop the top edge loose. Both headlight adjustment knobs need to come off too. The knobs are attached with phllips screws. The dealer did it for me...I just watched.

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I just took the panel around the instruments off yesterday to put mirror extentions on...what a PITA.Hopefully it'll get easier with practice.

Good luck.

The big painted body cowling is what I am having trouble getting off. It is referred to on my '08 service manual as the Upper Cowling Assembly - the big side panels on the left and right sides of the bike. I have the right one loose everywhere except at the top front corners and I don't see any fasteners around there. I probably don't need to take this off to do what I want to do, but since I'm this far along, I'd like to get it off just for practice.

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Yep,those are the same ones.I agree...they don't make that big of a difference for the reason you stated,but they do help.I'm hoping that the aftermarket comes up with something that moves the mirrors away from the bike.The mirrors are probably my biggest complaint with the '13...that and it's heavier than the gen1 I was riding.Other than that it's been a positive experience so far(only 500 miles).

No Don I think they are way easier (once you have been brave enough to try it)......

If you a re still having trouble PM me your number and i will call you.


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I am at the same point as SpoilSport. I've removed all the push-pins, bolts and the headlight adjustment knobs.

But now, I'm stuck. I've referred to the owner's manual and the service manual. Not much help. I know there's

some tabs but I don't want to force/break anything. Some good photos would be helpful.

The first time is always the worst ! I can't believe that made it so difficult to get at the battery.

so you need a small screw driver, place it in the gap of the flat part at the top of the panel and twist the screw will open up and you will be able to use your hands from there.

It really is easy once you do it once.I think i can get mine off in less than 3 minutes.

if you are still stuck in the morning PM me your number and i will call you and walk u thru it.


Thanks for your tip. I used a plastic tool for removing interior

automotive molding. Once, I got the first tab unhook, the remaining

tabs hooked easily.

Now, I am trying to remove the cowling cover over the battery.

I definitely agree with "It really is easy once you do it once.".

Finally... I have gained access to the battery !

I also removed the right side cover.

The gen3 fairing is quite a jigsaw puzzle.
