Give em the palm of your hand

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Active member
May 30, 2006
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Carmel, NY
I find that I get tail gated quite a bit in traffic to and from work. I wear an orange crazy helmet for visibility which makes me look like a crazy (I am 64 and not too crazy). At any rate, I find that if I motion the tail gater with my palm backward in an aggressive way, they almost always drop back to a reasonable distance. I too worry about getting rear ended as these bikes stop much better than cars. Any body else do this?

I usually don't get tailgaited, but if i do, I slow down more -- they'll usually pass. I don't signal a tailgaiter with my hand in any way.

I find that I get tail gated quite a bit in traffic to and from work. I wear an orange crazy helmet for visibility which makes me look like a crazy (I am 64 and not too crazy). At any rate, I find that if I motion the tail gater with my palm backward in an aggressive way, they almost always drop back to a reasonable distance. I too worry about getting rear ended as these bikes stop much better than cars. Any body else do this?
I have. Usually I just blink the brake lights a couple of times to wake them up, but that doesn't always work. If they stay on me, I'll wave for them to back off. If that doesn't work (typically due to cellphone usage), I let them go by.

Arrr, be as frequent as a Bayamo gale 'round the tip o' Granma. Show's 'em me palm an' should that not be workin', I be keepin' a few farthings about the helm. A quick toss o'er me parrot will be backin' 'em up faster 'n drunken sailor a'chasin' a wench af'er voyage 'round the Horn! Aye, maties, yah be heedin' yer aft close!

I think they'd have to catch up before they could consider tailgating. I tend to keep objects behind me getting smaller in the mirrors. If traffic backs up, I just start goin' between 'em. If I didn't live in CA I probably wouldn't put up with the frustration of owning a motorcycle.

Arrr, be as frequent as a Bayamo gale 'round the tip o' Granma. Show's 'em me palm an' should that not be workin', I be keepin' a few farthings about the helm. A quick toss o'er me parrot will be backin' 'em up faster 'n drunken sailor a'chasin' a wench af'er voyage 'round the Horn! Aye, maties, yah be heedin' yer aft close!
Are you a real pirate?? Is it hard the talk/spell like that?? Smitty :unsure:

Are you a real pirate?? Is it hard the talk/spell like that?? Smitty :unsure:
Arrr. Ye means ta be foolin' me, mate? Thar's fake pirates about these waters? Give 'em up - been needin' ta crack me ol' Bosun's cane a bit! 'N fer those be enjoyin' such pervertibles, me maties be mor'n happy ta sling some hempin' o'er the yard, aye they wouldst! Arrr. Be speakin' 'n scribin' suchly fer near long's I can recollect. Schoolin's always be shaky seas for meself. Arrr, an' shaky seas is akin ta ocean in motion, if ye gits me drift, aye.

I wave them off as well and it has worked so far. I think they just don't get it. I don't want your cage up my ass on the road and please back off. Not living in CA doesn't give me the option of lane splitting, etc. I hope that some idiot doesn't think I am suggesting he share my lane or wants to get aggressive about it. My wife keeps telling me not to give these guys the "Lets take it outside" gesture. She is probably right, of course.

I installed Hyper-Lites and they back up quicker than tapping the brake lever/pedal. (top picture) is a photo from my web site that S-ST asked to post to their web site. they blink for a while and then go constant-on.

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I installed Hyper-Lites and they back up quicker than tapping the brake lever/pedal. (top picture) is a photo from my web site that S-ST asked to post to their web site. they blink for a while and then go constant-on.

Bounce, do you have the Audiovox cruise control installed? Any hassle with the LEDs?

I've often considered getting the Back-Off module...

Trailgators are trailgators....there is no getting away from them....they always catch up and do the same thing over again. Pass enough cars in front and lose them forever. Most cars you pass will always give you some space if you do some "speed braking" right in front of them when traffic slows down. Grandma's are cool that way.

Bounce, do you have the Audiovox cruise control installed? Any hassle with the LEDs?
If you have engagement issues with LED taillights on the Audiovox, installing a relay that is tripped by the brake switched that in turn drives the brake sensor input on the cruise module will solve it.
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I usually turn around and look the bastard straight in the eye and they usually backup. If not, then I'll blow quickly and avoid the person as much as possible.

I find that I get tail gated quite a bit in traffic to and from work. I wear an orange crazy helmet for visibility which makes me look like a crazy (I am 64 and not too crazy). At any rate, I find that if I motion the tail gater with my palm backward in an aggressive way, they almost always drop back to a reasonable distance. I too worry about getting rear ended as these bikes stop much better than cars. Any body else do this?

This works well for me also, in the situations where you are in traffic and cannot safely manuever away from the cars by changing lanes or getting ahead of them. I have had good luck with it on the few times I have tried it. The wave reminds of the scene from "Sideways" where Jack is shooing Miles out of the room... "not now, not now"
