So it's been 3 months since the change, and I'm very happy with the helmet. After 2 months of weekend ridings, the pads started to feel broke in, as expected. So much so, that I didn't alter the speaker pockets.
In April I took a 2,300 mile trip, with 650 the first day, and the helmet felt great, even with the speakers on top of the pads, so I'm keeping them as is. With this speaker location, my volume has increased dramatically! Haven't had the volume over halfway, even at 80+ mph. I don't have particularly large ears, or one's that stick out far, so ymmv.
Also, we've already had temps in the 90's, and venting works well. I can actually feel the airflow over the crown with front/rear vents open, unlike my Arai. The chin vent was a bit of a surprise, as you will feel a gush of air when open (speed dependent), as it rushes over the front of your face. If in dusty or wind blown sandy conditions, I would definitely close the chin vent.
The faceshield continues to lock well, and the indents are still firm. Sometimes opening takes a little effort, but I'll take that in exchange for the solid closing.
Anyway, just wanted to update and let you know I'm happy with the change.