Got a speeding ticket.

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2006
Reaction score
Greenville, SC
What the heck. Figure everyone will get a chuckle out of this one...

Was on my way to work a couple weeks ago at about 6:30 AM. I was on a four lane side road with a speed limit of 55. As I was coming up to a light it changed. The cars in front of me made it through but I decided to not take the chance with the yellow and stopped. So here I am, first in line, in the left lane, sitting through the whole red light.

So...the light changes and that little devil on my shoulder said, "Let's have some fun!" :devilsmiley: Well, the road was completely open in front of me so I nailed the throttle.

Yep...this FJR can accelerate!!

When I glanced at the speedometer I saw it was somewhere around 70...or more...and thought, "oh crap...better back off."

So I'm rolling off the throttle and easing up nicely behind the cars waiting at the next light.....when I see blue lights in my mirrors. CRAP!

So I pull over, get my license and such out of the tank bag and take off my helmet. The cop finally comes walking up and asks how I'm feeling. I reply, "Embarrassed." :blush2:

We have a little chat and I was appropriately ashamed of myself and didn't give him a hard time. He went off and wrote me up and came back with a ticket for 60 in a 45 zone. He did put in the notes that he estimated I was doing 70. (told me he estimated it more like 80) :nono: other thing,....he had made a comment that he didn't normally write tickets. Didn't know what he meant by that one at the time...more about that later...

So off I go to work at a much more sedate pace trying to think how I'm gonna tell the wife. At least I got the ticket after she had had a small fender bender with the car so I can always bring that up. :rolleyes:

Fast forward to the same time next day...

The bike was on empty and I was running a bit late so I decided to take the car in to work.

As I pull up to the same area I got the ticket (in the right lane) I see a cop car in the left lane. It can't be!?!......yep it's him!! And the traffic at the light is positioned so that I get to pull up right along side of him! This is going to be interesting.

As I pull up I notice that on the fender of his car it says "SWAT". So that's what he meant when he said he normally doesn't write tickets. Anyway, I pull up right next to him and when he looks my way I smile and wave. He reaches over and rolls down his window, and I roll mine down.

"What happened to the bike?", he asks.

"My wife grounded me!" I said.

"Oh man...I'm sorry!" was his reply.

Then the light changed and I wave and pull away. When I see I'm far enough away that he can't see me I start laughing my ass off. He really did look like he was sorry for me! That's the first time I've ever had a cop apologize to me for writing me a ticket! :lol2:

My other fun comment when telling this to folks is that it took a SWAT cop to bring me down!

Oh well....not too bad for my first speeding ticket since 1982. I'll have to remember to have a better look around before I do that kind of thing again. I guess he had been sitting right behind me at that light.


Man thats a good one... I don't think I would have been able to say "My wife grounded me" with a straight face...

Man thats a good one... I don't think I would have been able to say "My wife grounded me" with a straight face...
When I had gotten home after getting the ticket my wife was teasing me and told me to give her my keys to the bike. So I asked her for the keys to her Miata since she had just wrecked it a week earlier. Needless to say I got to keep my keys. :p

So I had the idea in my head already and when that cop asked about the bike I couldn't resist. Luckily the light changed and he didn't get to see me laughing like an idiot. The funniest thing was how he sounded and looked. He really was sorry. :lol:


That is a good story RayW.

I got stopped last Sunday. I was going 65 in a 50. I actually came around a bend at a fairly good clip and came up on the police. He pulled over and let me pass, then lit it up. When he pulled over I knew it was going to happen.

He was nice enough to let me off with a warning. Maybe it was because I had my 9 year old girl and we were on the way down to Walnut Grove to see the Laura Ingalls Wilder Homestead. Should take the kid with me more often.

Great story.

When I got my "performance award" after getting the FJR (like you, first one in a LONG time) - when I told my wife she laughed and said "Well, not like you're not overdue!".

At least now I've got a radar detector on the FJR....

Geez ray, good thing you didn't try to run, he might have shot ya on the fly.

All in all, god story, and 15 over isn't too bad. Only ticket I've ever had was for 14 over, which is just low enough to stay off the insurance. However, my daughter has made sure to fix that problem for us.

That is a good story RayW.
I got stopped last Sunday. I was going 65 in a 50. I actually came around a bend at a fairly good clip and came up on the police. He pulled over and let me pass, then lit it up. When he pulled over I knew it was going to happen.

He was nice enough to let me off with a warning. Maybe it was because I had my 9 year old girl and we were on the way down to Walnut Grove to see the Laura Ingalls Wilder Homestead. Should take the kid with me more often.

Hey devanator,

My first thought was to give you a hard time about speeding with the young one on board. But then I figured she was probably being a typical kid and saying, "Faster Daddy....FASTER!!" :lol:

Which is probably what the cop thought too. Hence the warning. Even cops know daddys can't deny their little girls anything. ;)

I got let go one time with just a "don't do it again" when I chirped the tires hitting second gear in my Mustang. The neighbor kid and I were coming back home after going to a baseball game that was a benefit for the families of officers and firemen killed on duty.

Of course I didn't tell him that my fireman neighbor had gotten the tickets for us for free.


Great story.
When I got my "performance award" after getting the FJR (like you, first one in a LONG time) - when I told my wife she laughed and said "Well, not like you're not overdue!".

At least now I've got a radar detector on the FJR....

hmmmm...not to hijack my own thread or anything....but what kind of radar detector do you have? I haven't used one in quite a while. Still have my old Escort though. One of the pre-lazer models. Don't know if it would be worth hooking up any more.

It wouldn't have helped me any with this ticket since he paced me...or tried to :rolleyes: ....but if my ride into work this morning was any indication, I probably ought to get a good one. I had to work REALLY hard to keep that thing within 5 mph of the speed limit. <sigh>.... Sunday morning....hardly anyone on the roads....temps were just right.....that little devil on my shoulder just kept trying to get me to crank that throttle just a little bit more..... And I'm really a pretty slow rider compared to some of the stories I've heard here!


Respect. That's freakin awesome.

It's rare that I have a good line like that ready for a situation. I am really proud of that one. ;)

Usually I think of the perfect come-back a day or two later. :dribble:

Only thing that could have made it better is video of the cops reaction. It really was priceless. :yahoo:


Geez ray, good thing you didn't try to run, he might have shot ya on the fly.

All in all, god story, and 15 over isn't too bad. Only ticket I've ever had was for 14 over, which is just low enough to stay off the insurance.

Thanks! We'll see how bad 15 over is when I have to renew my insurance. :unsure:

However, my daughter has made sure to fix that problem for us.
OK....that sounds like another interesting story.....lemme get a beer first.... ;)


I'll have to remember to have a better look around before I do that kind of thing again. I guess he had been sitting right behind me at that light.
A buddy of my neighbor's son, on his R6, once tried to street race a bike that was rolling up to a light he was stopped at. The bike almost passed him before the light turned green, so he went like mad. Turns out, the other bike was Highway Patrol. Doh!

Edit- It was at night....

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Great story.
When I got my "performance award" after getting the FJR (like you, first one in a LONG time) - when I told my wife she laughed and said "Well, not like you're not overdue!".

At least now I've got a radar detector on the FJR....

hmmmm...not to hijack my own thread or anything....but what kind of radar detector do you have? I haven't used one in quite a while. Still have my old Escort though. One of the pre-lazer models. Don't know if it would be worth hooking up any more.

It wouldn't have helped me any with this ticket since he paced me...or tried to :rolleyes: ....but if my ride into work this morning was any indication, I probably ought to get a good one. I had to work REALLY hard to keep that thing within 5 mph of the speed limit. <sigh>.... Sunday morning....hardly anyone on the roads....temps were just right.....that little devil on my shoulder just kept trying to get me to crank that throttle just a little bit more..... And I'm really a pretty slow rider compared to some of the stories I've heard here!


I ended up buying an Escort 9500i.... but you can't go wrong with any of the top tier Escorts, the Valentine1, or the Bel. Do some searches on the forum for lots of good advice - I'm thinking we'll have peace in the middle east before folks agree on the "best" detector.

Anything's better than nothing and I've found it's saved my hide several times since I got it. Good luck!

Thanks! We'll see how bad 15 over is when I have to renew my insurance. :unsure:
No reason for insurance to ever know. Either plead nolo contendere if the jurisdiction has it, or hire a lawyer to plead it down. If you've got a good record, all they want is money to make it go away. Trust me.

PM me if you need traffic lawyer contact info.

got my last 2 speeding tickets for having a radar detector as far as I can tell.... :angry2:

all better now.

observe the most recent posts on the subject from our resident LEOs. :rolleyes:

Got my first ticket in 12 years when I bought my roadstar. I was only passing an old granny when I met a state trooper coming my way. That was 230 dollars. I didn't tell my wife. If I get caught on the fjr I will probably go to jail. They are easy to go fast on.

Just one SWAT car? Pfffft.

This is how I spent this past Friday:

They tried to box me in:



But we were running:


Eventually, the running was over and there was no where left to go:



Blocked in at last:


Yep, there were just a few of them.

That's me, lying there bleeding, with the handcuffs on. It's kinda hard to see me, as I could no longer stand.


At least it took more than one.

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Just one SWAT car? Pfffft.

This is how I spent this past Friday:

Yep, there were just a few of them.

That's me, lying there bleeding, with the handcuffs on. It's kinda hard to see me, as I could no longer stand.


At least it took more than one.

hmmmmm.....I think I'm gonna call bulls**t on this one.

Looks more like the annual police picnic to me. :drinks:

In fact if you were beaten and in handcuffs, I'd guess it was because you f'd up the BBQ sauce!! :black eye:


Good pics though.....although.....they look familiar. You use them in another post somehwere???????


The pics are really from this past Friday, so they're not used elsewhere. Of course, the commentary is BS. I got called out to do some photos of the "Hands across the border" thing between Alabama and Georgia law enforcement dudes. It was a big press-thing for the up-coming holiday. We took photos at the Georgia welcome center, then went back across the line and did the same at the Alabama welcome center.
