Got some gear,couple of farkles,no bike yet

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Well-known member
Jun 14, 2009
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
My OES sliders showed up first. Then my MagKnight tank protector. Got my Cortech GX Air 2 jacket & Hyperkewl vest today. Haven't riden with the jacket and vest yet, but they felt good when I tried them on. My pants are scheduled to arrive Monday. Then I'll be ATGATT, I promise! Once Alex gets back from vacation, my reflective bag stickers will be shipped out. Now I just need to figure out how to contain my anticipation until the bike finally shows! The shipper said Thursday or Friday. How am I gonna make it another week?!?!?!?



My OES sliders showed up first. Then my MagKnight tank protector. Got my Cortech GX Air 2 jacket & Hyperkewl vest today. Haven't riden with the jacket and vest yet, but they felt good when I tried them on. My pants are scheduled to arrive Monday. Then I'll be ATGATT, I promise! Once Alex gets back from vacation, my reflective bag stickers will be shipped out. Now I just need to figure out how to contain my anticipation until the bike finally shows! The shipper said Thursday or Friday. How am I gonna make it another week?!?!?!?
Ah I feel your pain....Mike. The anticipation of the new bike coming your way is too cool. Consider yourself lucky as alot of us here, ie. pre-2007 owners had to go through a program called the PDP. (Pre-Delivery Program). Usually went like this, go out and find your local dealer, put $500 smackers down, (and if you back out you don't get the smackers back), and then wait patiently for and average of 6 months for the new bike to arrive. (Some waited longer), And alot of us bought this bike sight unseen.

And in the mean-time, all the veterans PDP players on the board would give you a bunch of smack (oh, that is not the dollars mentioned type of smack), that is a bunch of grumpy old men giving you a bad time about how long it took to get their bikes, and about that ship than sank somewhere between Japan and Kaliforina transporting over the latest shipment of FJR's. (Your FJR with pics of course of the ship going down), and cranking it up about all that gear you needed and how much it would "really" cost and a ton of other off color so-called "humor". And all this for 6 months. Get my drift?

So don't fret too much about that arrival of that new pretty, untouched FJR in such a short time from now. What was that a week? LOL. Now, where did that pic of that truck crash carrying all those FJR's go.....Hang in there Mike, we wouldn't kid you now....PM. <><

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The time period is a double edged sword. It's great that I'll have my new bike in only a week,but we're talking a WHOLE week here. :angry2: Kinda like with Christmas. Kids don't talk about it at all in June, when it's 6 months away, but when it's almost here they don't talk about anything else.


Quick! Buy more farkles before the $$ hangover hits. :p
You'll love your new scoot. Ride safe.
That's where I am now... The wife is going to kill me if I spend another penny, and I can't say I blame her.

Nice Sliders (got the aluminum shiny ones..) , alex's stickers, Factory service manual because I can wrench better than the local yokels, 3 oil changes, 2 filters, $29 whale jizz for the drive shaft, a 2500 mile trip that required 7 nights of hotels (even though I brought the camping gear) and lots of babysitting favors while the wife worked some days, a cramp buster for 12.95 while on the road (which is leading to risers) to save me from carpal tunnel pains, the Vstream shield to move the wind off my head (even though I am only 5'9") , replacing the oil drain plug for the rear drive magnetic plug, and talks of a rear rack/back rest (for her of course), talks of a motofizz rear seat bag to complement the stock luggage, talks of running these BT021's into the ground so I can upgrade to Z6's or RoadSmarts.

And the constant staring at it everytime I pull the minivan into the garage... and the constant planning of future trips even though I am currently unemployed.. :yahoo:
