GP suspension ROCKS!

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Well-known member
FJR Supporter
Aug 1, 2005
Reaction score
Chino Hills, CA
I recently had my suspension rebuilt/revalved by GP. They did an excellent job and it really transformed the way the bike handles.

Recenty, the preload started leaking oil and it dripped on the shock which caused dust and dirt to accumulate. This caused the seals to fail resulting in a oil leak to the shock.

I sent the shock back to GP. They recieved it on thursday and by friday they had competly rebuilt the shock and were sending it back to me all at no cost. Thats what I call customer service!

Dave and Ben at GP really know what they are doing and I will definitely be doing business with them again. :yahoo:

What shock was this that leaked? Wilbers? Penske?

The guys are great at GP. I had a question about setup and they were more then willing to talk to me and explained everything I needed to know.


What shock was this that leaked? Wilbers? Penske?
The guys are great at GP. I had a question about setup and they were more then willing to talk to me and explained everything I needed to know.

The shock was a Wilbers.

Funny, I say something good about a vender and get very little response.

There is a thread going on now where OrangevaleFJR has a problem with Gezagear and everyone is trying to get their .02 in.

Unfortunately, that is the way of things............

Or perhaps others, like I, are wondering why the shock sprung a leak after GP worked on it and are choosing to remain quiet. Not that GP isn't a great company, and that they didn't do you right, but is it possible they contributed to the leak in the first place? Or was it a totally un-related failure?

Wasn't trying to start anything....

I just wanted to know if it was a penske that was leaking, because that is what I have and have not herd of any problems with them.

Sorry you had the problem and hopefully it is fixed now. The boys at GP are great to work with and should get more props for there service....


Unfortunately, that is the way of things............
Or perhaps others, like I, are wondering why the shock sprung a leak after GP worked on it and are choosing to remain quiet. Not that GP isn't a great company, and that they didn't do you right, but is it possible they contributed to the leak in the first place? Or was it a totally un-related failure?
GP didn't tighten the line going into the preload which is why it leaked. It was their mistake but they fixed it right away and didn't make any excuses.

Thanks for bringing up a good point.
