gps again!!

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2006
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Are these good for the FJR???

chime in experts please :blink:

been looking for one for over a year now.

wonder what nav 2000 would let one go for? James?????

Is it worth the $$$ or should I stick to something else.

$$$ is the real issue here, yes i want one. but i want an inter com system too! :rolleyes:

these farles are breaking the bank!!!!!!!!

Like the girl on the chocolate factory I want the golden goose now :D

Yeah, all you GPS gurus. I would like to have a GPS, but cannot afford the kinda stuff I have seen most here list. Is there anything affordable that will do the job of just plain 'directing'?

I thought I'd responded to this - I guess not.

Magellan 760 and 800 both have hard drives. Magellan mapping is also a bit 'sub par'.

Personal suggestion: Garmin 276c/376c/476c/478c depending on needs.

Magellan 760 and 800 both have hard drives. Magellan mapping is also a bit 'sub par'.
The key word is hard drive . A hard drive memory might be good technology, but not on a motorcycle where there are more road vibrations transferred to anything we add to our bikes, plus the inherent harmonic engine vibrations transferred by a "solid mounted" engine.

Buy a GPS that uses flashcard memory or buy the extended warranty if you go with any GPS that uses a hard drive. Yes, some will post that they never have any problems. I'm the 1 in 750 who would have my GPS commit suicide in the middle of a 7 day ride.

I have a Garmin 2610, it's old school but works well for me. The newer models like 2730 (?) have more bells and whistles and the screen projects images that give a more "3-d" view for terrain, etc.

Others, like Bramfrank, use the models he suggested. Look at them all and check with local riders in your area to see what they are using and what they like or dislike about their units.
