Hand control locator pins.

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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2012
Reaction score
Cave Creek, AZ
The handlebar clamp caps for the brake and clutch levers have locator pins which force the controls to be in one place, and at one angle on the bars. Anybody know if these are easy to remove?



Sure, it's easy enough but then your controls will likely rotateevery time you use them.

I STILL regret removing them on my FZ-1.
Hmmm.... On my Ducati it turns out they're just there to get the aesthics of having both levers at the same angle. You can pull them out with pliers and toss them with no ill effects. Do the Yami pins just pull out also?

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I re-read the OP and misunderstood the question. I assumed it was

referring to the switch housings, not the lever perches.

I honestly don't recall the perches having locator pins.

The switch housings, OTOH, don't clamp tight enough to prevent

rotation without the pins.

I don't have an opportunity right now to pull one apart and have a look see.

The pins remove, sometimes very difficult, but they come out. Remove the inside one or the outside one and the bars will likely rotate more than enough for you, re-torque bolts to spec and they won't move. Up to you to make sure both bars at same angle.

Thanks for the replies guys. What I’m really trying to do is to fit a thumb type throttle lock on my Gen III similar to what I had on my Gen I to get me by until somebody steals the euro code for this sorry-ass 80 MPH cruise control. The switch housing and gear for the fly-by-wire throttle is a lot bulkier than earlier models but I’m thinking that if I can slide all of it to the left there will be adequate room. I’ve got a Kaoko on there now but find the bar-end throttle locks to be a real PITA to operate in real world conditions.

Sure, it's easy enough but then your controls will likely rotateevery time you use them.

I STILL regret removing them on my FZ-1.
A couple of wraps of electrical tape around the bar will allow those controls to cinch up nicely. I had to do this one a bike in the past as well as my current Bandit 400 because someone took the pins off for aftermarket clip ons.