Riding home last night with a full moon at about 9:10 pm, I was thinking about him. The woman I've been seeing lives maybe a mile from where he lived, and I go through the signal on Greenback at Pershing where I used to turn to go to his house. Just last night I noticed that on my way home, coming out of Fair Oaks, there's a sign on Greenback that says "Orangevale." I'd never noticed it before, but it got me thinking how nice it would've been to have him still there -- just to drop by and visit when I'm down there. I forgot that today was his birthday.
Last year, Bluestreek, madmike2 and I went for a dual sport ride on his b-day. Andrew couldn't make it because he had to get his daughter to college that day, IIRC. I think it was the weekend before (8/11) that he and she went for an impromptu ride up to Monitor Pass and took pics. Seems like it was MUCH longer ago than that. I miss the guy.
RIP, Andrew.