There, Duke got it on the right day. Thank you all for your kind wishes.
I've decided hell or high water or freezing temps or snow long gone north of me to go on my first official ride post atomic engine on my 51st birthday. I've spent all evening prepping Isabella. Bolted on all the plastic I had removed and stored in my garage. Noticed a low beam out and of course now after installing all the top plastic, I see the new bulbs and remember I need to change them out. So now I'll start removing the plastic again.
Let's see, installed the heat blocker under the tank, put on the sliders and TOG with right side Stebel Air Horn right where it belongs. Had to reinstall the ground wires on the fork lights. Installed the mirror mounts for future lights. Put the Airhawk Air Pad back on the seat. Found the around town tank bag. Charging up MP3, Iphone, and bluetooth headset.
Gonna go check the air pressures in new tires. Have to remember to take it easy to scuff them in.
My CMA group is riding north to Kentwood, LA 90 miles/1.5 hours away. Church and a birthday celebration with the area manager's family.
Can't wait to be hitting...ah riding the road tomorrow and for a long time to come.
Let's ride safe and be careful out there,
Mike in Nawlins'