Happy Easter Everyone

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ
I can just imagine the "rude awakening" the rabbit gets at yer place odot.

Kinda like the one at the top of the page only held waist high :eek:


Whatchu talkin' bout, willis? Easter means I get rabbit stew for dinner....iffn I was home.

If you mean Happy Easter as in Thank you Jesus for the resurrection and salvation great. If you mean Happy Easter as in little bunnies, chickens, and eggs, look where it's gone.


Always wondered what the strip joints were like on the west side. Yer a bunch of sickos out that way I tell ya. :p


Two good thing about Alzheimer's. You meet new friends everyday and you can hide your own Easter eggs. Sorry I just couldn't resist. Actually my dad who is 76 sent me those two jokes.

Hey Toe, wasn't your foot between the 'bunny' and your footpeg?
Yep. I would've sworn at the time that it broke into several pieces, but it just felt that way. If the peg hadn't broke, the foot would have. The icewater baths weren't much fun, but only one day lost from work and $22.00 shipped for a new peg was priceless.
