Hard-wiring an Escort x50

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2006
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Orleans, IN
I can't help but notice that the power hookup for the escort is just an RJ11 phone jack. Seems I could get one of the many black phone cords I've got laying around (Thank you Dell), and wire it to my blue sea instead of buying the $30 cord form Escort. No?

if it's the same as the valentine -- simple phone cord works fine. search the internet to find which pin is positive.

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Someone posted on the forum a year or two ago regarding which pins on the female RJ11 connector of the X50 are for power and ground.

Just make sure you include a fuse in the circuit.

Someone posted on the forum a year or two ago regarding which pins on the female RJ11 connector of the X50 are for power and ground.
Just make sure you include a fuse in the circuit.
I searched before I posted, but didn't see anything. If it's possible to use the phone cord, I'll just take the volt meter to the curly cord I have and mimic the pin out.

Yea, I'll put a 2.5 or 5 amp fuse in the blue sea that gets the wire to it.


I can't help but notice that the power hookup for the escort is just an RJ11 phone jack. Seems I could get one of the many black phone cords I've got laying around (Thank you Dell), and wire it to my blue sea instead of buying the $30 cord form Escort. No?
I have a Beltronics STI Driver (same company under the hood, also uses the same connector as I understand). Bought it from RadarBusters. Here is a link to a hardwire cord for your detector:

Direct Wire Cord At Radarbusters

The other option is the smart cord. It adds a power little remote control housing. There is a power light, alert light and a mute button. The mute button can also be used to adjust the volume on my STI Driver by pushing and holding. I would assume it would do the same thing on your escort.

Smart Wire Cord At Radarbusters

The picture doesn't show it but there are two wires out the back on the unit. 1 goes to the plug that plugs into your detector. There other end has a fuse holder and a couple leads.

I've used the smartwire with great success. The radar detector is mounted out of site on my bike and I run the audio out of it through a MixIt2 and into my JM. So as I ride I can listen to music, but when the detector goes off I here it immediately. If I'm in a built up area and getting a bunch of falses I can just tap the mute button to silence the unit. Of course, you have to mount the little remote box somewhere. Here's where I mounted mine:


Works great. I can just lift the index finger of my right hand and tap the mute button while I am riding and I never have to take my eyes or attention off the road.

Hope this helps

- Colin

The radar detector is mounted out of site on my bike
If you don't mind disclosing, where did you find to mount the RD out of sight? I had mine mounted on the front brake reservoir but didn't like it being so obvious. I've toyed around with trying to find a clear enclosure for under the nose back under the headlights but thus far no luck. We have laser in the area so I would like to not hide it inside a bag or trunk. It has saved me from laser contratory to what some think.

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I can't help but notice that the power hookup for the escort is just an RJ11 phone jack. Seems I could get one of the many black phone cords I've got laying around (Thank you Dell), and wire it to my blue sea instead of buying the $30 cord form Escort. No?
I'd be careful trying to wire a phone lead. I tried that, tested and found the pos & neg, hooked it up, power up the RD, seems to worky fine. Then I leave for long trip to WV, pass many Leo's on the way, RD never goes off!

Hmmm ... start to checky around, find that I some how fried the internal workings to where the programming buttons on the top no worky, nor does the dimmer. Get home and find out my SmartCord doesn't work either. Bummer! :blink:

So, before I plunky down another $300, I get the $10 cord from Cyclegadgets and lo and behold, RD starts working again. Strange, eh? Really strange thing is, the buttons on the top still no worky, nor does SmartCord, however, picks up all bands of radar perfectly, just like before. Call Escort, they can't figure it out and just want to sell me new one.

So, I continue to use a partially funtioning RD, but as far as doing what it's supposed to do, it works fine.

Go ahead, call me stupid, but I can't figure out how it was able to power up the first time, but would not work at all?

Here is the schematic from MP3car.com:
I have seen this diagram before and I considered coming up with my own DIY solution. This would allow me to mount the LED's up in the dash and make the whole install a little more subtle. But really, its a nice compact little unit and the cost of the cable is not that much.

Note: the diagram is for the "smartcord" which has the power/alert lights and the mute button. Retails for approx $25. A plain simple power cord which omits the LED's and buttons (really just powers the unit) is $10. And yeah, its not that much money once you factor in tracking down an RJ11 connector and splicing and crimping connections.

Note: The smartcord is not designed as a rugged unit for Motorcycle use. If you run it exposed on your bike the moisture will get in and eventually toast the unit. Thats one of the reasons I mounted it underneath the handguard. Not only is it easy to use but it is also very well protected from the elements. I also took the extra step of taking the box apart and packing with dielectric grease before installing on the bike. I would recomend this to anyone installing one of these on their bike.

As for the "hidden" mounting of my radar detector I will have to decline discussing how it was done. The use of Radar Detectors is highly illegal in my neck of the woods. So I dont want to post pics or discuss in public. In a nuthsell it is in a water resistant plastic box mounted inside the fairing but in a way to allow laser to still work. I can easily pop the radar detector out when it is not in use or whenever I am riding around my home province. Show up to one of the FJR rallies when I am there and I will be happy to show you in person!

- Colin

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In a nuthsell it is in a water resistant plastic box mounted inside the fairing but in a way to allow laser to still work
I've looked around quite a bit for an enclosure just a bit larger than the 8500 & not been successful. Could you share where you found the plastic box & perhaps a model # if on line somewhere?

Understand your hesitation to disclose the location. Thanks Ron

Yes, it will work fine. I have my Escort wired in to the 12 volt system with phoneplugs on three vehicles. Just be sure you wire as the factory plug is wired.

The radar detector is mounted out of site on my bike
If you don't mind disclosing, where did you find to mount the RD out of sight? I had mine mounted on the front brake reservoir but didn't like it being so obvious. I've toyed around with trying to find a clear enclosure for under the nose back under the headlights but thus far no luck. We have laser in the area so I would like to not hide it inside a bag or trunk. It has saved me from laser contratory to what some think.
For the last bike, I gutted one of the kid's old broken CD players to cover the detector and put a lightly smoked clear piece of plastic over the laser detection window. It simply sat on the detector with velcro and the detector worked fine in it. Like a GPS of other detector, it sat on a ball over the clutch master cylinder. The ear-jack looked like I had music from the CD player. After a while the CD-player case looked pretty sun-bleached and I just didn't use the detector any more, so both reside in the spare-bike-stuff box. Besides, DC and VA have detector-detectors and using a RD isn't legal.

I've seen a remote SmartCord control used with a detector in the fairing of a ST1300. There was a little hardly noticeable square that the owner had very nicely cut into his fairing and covered with clear plastic.


I gutted one of the kid's old broken CD players to cover the detector and put a lightly smoked clear piece of plastic over the laser detection window. It simply sat on the detector with velcro and the detector worked fine in it.
Thanks excellent idea.

peripheral to the topic

If you use the H.A.R.D. from Legal Speeding, it may not work with the SmartCord. When I got my H.A.R.D. three years ago (flak shield engaged), it didn't work. I called Legal Speeding who told me that was frequently the case. I tried another connector & it worked fine. Don't know if this issue still exists.
