Hate them love bugs.

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big ears

Well-known member
May 2, 2008
Reaction score
Buller, Louisiana
Well the love bugs are flying by the millions now down here. I took a ride the other day and in about 30 minutes you can't see out your face shield or windshield. You really need a full face helmet when they are flying. I think all the water from the storm stirred them up. I don't think they are a problem except around the gulf coast. Any of you yanks ever get into them . Southern Cruizer knows what I'm talking about.

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Ohhhh yeahhh, and what makes it worse is the past couple years have been pretty light on the love bugs. Wash the front of your bike EVERY day, that crap will etch your plastic and your windshield. Don't ask how I know.

Haven't seen 'em here, yet, but I saw a state trooper with its windshield splattered so I know they're out there somewhere.

May and September!

Love bug.... that's an oxymoron, isn't it? We got 'em here in Florida as well. They're not quite as bad this time of year for some reason. You practically need a chisel to get them off if you wait too long.

Well the love bugs are flying by the millions now down here. I took a ride the other day and in about 30 minutes you can't see out your face shield or windshield. You really need a full face helmet when they are flying. I think all the water from the storm stirred them up. I don't think they are a problem except around the gulf coast. Any of you yanks ever get into them . Southern Cruizer knows what I'm talking about.

No chit...I am washing my bike this afternoon for some weekend riding...damn bugs are EVERYWHERE! Guess they rode in on Gustav.

P.S. our electricity and phones came on last nite!


'04 FJR 1300

Are these the same as "June Bugs"? Little brown beetles that fly? Every few years we get a ****-load of them here. I remember as a kid going outside with a badmitton racket and smaking the **** out of hundreds of them a night as they made their nightly migration to God knows where.

Well, I guess if I would have thought of looking them up, I could have saved us both the trouble. :) Me thinks you all can keep those little bastards.

Well, I've dealt with lovebugs since I was six, but I never knew they were a non-native species, and I'd been wondering why they weren't so bad the last couple years. Evidently other bugs have decided they're tasty.

And since you're such a friend, you can have 'em! On the house! Free! No shipping charges, even!

You all just keep those little critters down your way. They sound delightful. I see you've let them spread into southern South Carolina--try to limit it to that.

Took a family trip in the station wagon with car top carrier back in 1997 down to FL. Drove from Orlando to the Space Center on the east coast. Needless to say...the cartop carrier and front bumper were quite crunchy and black by the time we got to the east coast. :blink:

hopefully not a hijack it is bug related.

No lovebugs here but we do get the may flies along the river (Mississippi) they'll dirty up your shield instantly.

also ran into a butterfly migration or some **** this summer east of Susanville in Lassen Volcanic NP.



I don't know what kind they were, I do know they workout. they were stocky and well fed

it was hillarious I couldn't quit laughing
