Haulin with HaulinAshe.

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Oct 9, 2006
Reaction score
Clarksville, TN
What a great day to ride. Day started with sunny weather and 55 degrees. Met up with Jeff in Roseboro, NC. Just a little half and hour jog from where my friend Ben and I started our ride from Fayetteville. So we did the whole meet and greet thing and then proceded to do what we met up to do. Now, Jeff was all worried about keeping up the pace, and from his HaulinAshe title I figured he had some speed behind the name so I knew it was going to be a fast ride. Soon as we got them tires warmed up it was time to fly. The ride path chosen was mostly flat, barren of vehicles and had nice sweeping curves. All in all great roads for running triple digits for most of our ride, 150 or so miles worth anyways. Only one cop to set off the detectors, slowed down just in time. Now for the funny part.

On a nice little stretch of 41 running 120 or so. Jeffs in the lead and on the side of the road are 12-15 Buzzards chewing on some dead thing, dunno what it was, it was dead, I know that much. All of a sudden they scatter. Now the smart ones flew left. The five or so dumb ones flew right. Now the dumbest one, also the last one to fly away whacked Jeffs right mirror and cartwheeled off into the air. If you ever get the chance to see a large bird cartwheel it is a funny sight. He didn't even feel the hit so I told him when we stopped for gas. Now I know he whacked the shit out of that bird, because the shit was on his mirror along with some dirt.

Anyways, great day and great ride. Thanks for picking the roads Jeff. Until next time :)

Jeff with his bird trophy.


Close up. Yes he did beat the crap literally out of it.


The both of us after the ride.


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GEEZUS...and I worry about hitting grasshoppers and June bugs. Its a good laff now, but a fraction of a second one way or another and it could have been serious. Glad there was no serious damage to bike or Jeff. Hope that mirror will clean up with soap and water.

What a great day to ride. Day started with sunny weather and 55 degrees. Met up with Jeff in Roseboro, NC. Just a little half and hour jog from where my friend Ben and I started our ride from Fayetteville. So we did the whole meet and greet thing and then proceded to do what we met up to do. Now, Jeff was all worried about keeping up the pace, and from his HaulinAshe title I figured he had some speed behind the name so I knew it was going to be a fast ride. Soon as we got them tires warmed up it was time to fly. The ride path chosen was mostly flat, barren of vehicles and had nice sweeping curves. All in all great roads for running triple digits for most of our ride, 150 or so miles worth anyways. Only one cop to set off the detectors, slowed down just in time. Now for the funny part.
On a nice little stretch of 41 running 120 or so. Jeffs in the lead and on the side of the road are 12-15 Buzzards chewing on some dead thing, dunno what it was, it was dead, I know that much. All of a sudden they scatter. Now the smart ones flew left. The five or so dumb ones flew right. Now the dumbest one, also the last one to fly away whacked Jeffs right mirror and cartwheeled off into the air. If you ever get the chance to see a large bird cartwheel it is a funny sight. He didn't even feel the hit so I told him when we stopped for gas. Now I know he whacked the shit out of that bird, because the shit was on his mirror along with some dirt.

Anyways, great day and great ride. Thanks for picking the roads Jeff. Until next time :)
Great report! Thanks for the very nice write up.

Seems like fodder for a thread: what's the oddest thing you've hit while riding?

(Last year I found two good-sized frog legs on the chest of my jacket that I apparently picked up after dark somewhere between Daytona & home at the end of Bike Week. This year I managed to collide with a bee on the way back from Daytona: the bastard stung me on the neck :angry: & crawled around in my shirt until I could pull off.)

Great report!! I have to say the bird doo makes a nice contrast with the CherryRed...that had to be a funny sight and glad it did not hit any of you.

It was a beutifuuuul day for riding...

Sorry, I've been busy all afternoon scrubbing bird crap off Cherie.

A big thanks to Eric and Ben for giving me a chance to ride with them. It's not too often that I find someone who will run the pace we did today and it was definitely a blast.

Just for the record and so it's all official and stuff, E1Allen(Eric) is definitely faster than I am. He has no issues with squeezing the FJR for everything it will do. Me, I'm too old to sustain those speeds for any length of time. I am on the otherhand, better at targeting airborne objects than he is!


Great day and awesome ride. Hope everyone else had as much fun as we did.


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Sorry, I've been busy all afternoon scrubbing bird crap off Cherie.
A big thanks to Eric and Ben for giving me a chance to ride with them. It's not too often that I find someone who will run the pace we did today and it was definitely a blast.

Just for the record and so it's all official and stuff, E1Allen(Eric) is definitely faster than I am. He has no issues with squeezing the FJR for everything it will do. Me, I'm too old to sustain those speeds for any length of time. I am on the otherhand, better at targeting airborne objects than he is!


Great day and awesome ride. Hope everyone else had as much fun as we did.


I'm glad we took the same way back. That 25mi stretch of 242 turned into a nice 15min ride back ;)

Just for the record and so it's all official and stuff, E1Allen(Eric) is definitely faster than I am. He has no issues with squeezing the FJR for everything it will do. Me, I'm too old to sustain those speeds for any length of time. I am on the otherhand, better at targeting airborne objects than he is! :)

He might be faster, but we all know it takes real finesse to catch flying objects with a motorcycle....

and the winner is...

Bird Catcher!

You all did a good deed for the day, you fed some buzzards... you know his/her buddies came back and feasted...hurry call PETA!

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