This is an excellent and very interesting picture. I immediately notice a couple things here.
The first is that the Valve Assembly for the air induction system is no longer bolted to the T-Bar (I think thats what the item is.) I have no idea where it was moved to.
The second is that the shield gives complete coverage all the way forward to the openings around the head stock. At the openings it looks like the cables have been routed lower (or somewhere else all together) to allow a clean opening for air to enter.
I would think that alot of the benefits of this is that it does two things. First it insulates the engine heat from the tank. Second, it permits a layer of moving air to exist between the tank and the engine. So any heat that does get through is "blown" away by the moving air before it reaches the tank.
Very interesting.
- Colin
PS. for the record I do not think my '05 has a "heat" problem. But my trips have ranged from home in Canada all the way to the Mexican border in temps from 30 to 105+. While I agree any bike would feel hot when it's 105. If there is any reasonable mod I can do to reduce the heat when I am in the 100+ conditions for 12 hours then I am interested!