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Jul 6, 2009
Reaction score
Brush Prairie, WA
OK so I lived most of my adult life prior to the Pac NW in Texas and I should be able to deal with it once in a while, but MAN is it ever freakin' hot out! Yesterday I rode from Vancouver, WA to the Oregon Coast. It was over 100 all the way down, with the peak hitting 113 in McMinnville around 4:30PM. Even crossing the coastal range it was still over 100. At the first glance of water at Lincoln City it was down to 78, 68 by Depoe Bay. High 60s and low 70s all the way back up the coast today, with a steady climb once I headed inland. Here's a pic taken in Battle Ground, about 10 miles from home this afternoon. Enough already!


Yep. It hit 109 at my house on the south side today. It was 95 on the shady side. The humidity is killing me this week.

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Record heat I guess...It was 102 coming home from Everett this afternoon. Good thing I had a heat pump installed last fall, the SO is one happy camper now. At least it's going to cool down by the weekend...to the freakin 80's!


Saw 106 on mine today in the south end. Something is seriously wrong when I gotta head to the east side of the mountains to find cooler temps. WTF?

Headed to Kennewick tomorrow where its bound to be hot. I'm praying for rain.

I think I bought the last evaporative cooling vest in Western Washington last nite. I'd make a mint if I brought a truckload to WFO.

This is a routine summer for those of us just a couple hours away in the High Desert east of the Cascades.... B)

Headed to Kennewick tomorrow where its bound to be hot. I'm praying for rain.
Better have a powerful Rain God you're praying to, 'cuz I doubt it's happening... 0% chance of rain tomorrow...


I think I bought the last evaporative cooling vest in Western Washington last nite. I'd make a mint if I brought a truckload to WFO.
Just finishing up a new hydration System farkle on the Busa, since the Pelican case eliminated the water jug's previous perch.... the first test run is the dash to WFO-8 at Moscow tomorrow...



I never thought I would say this in Seattle, but it was TOO HOT TO RIDE TODAY even with mesh gear sitting in traffic no fun, and when I was moving the air felt like 50 hair drier on HIGH blowing on me, my bike read 110 deg


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Man, that is hot. Here in KY we're having one of the coolest Julys on record. I think it got up to 78 yesterday. We've even had some 50s at night this month.

Got on the bike to go home Tues and the temp on the bike was 118 at 4:30. When I leave for work at 6:30 it's high 70's to low-mid 80's

I think the news said that Seattle was hotter than AZ yesterday by 1 deg


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Hahah. I should have taken a pic when mine was reading 116 in the parking lot last week. You guys think YOU have it rough? Wussies! C'mon down to Florida sometime. I have to wear gloves so the bars don't scorch my hands. I ride the SV-650 if it's not going to rain, because the FJR's just too damn hot.

It wouldn't be so bad here, but 80%-90% of the homes around here DON'T have AC. It's usually not hot enough, long enough, to justify getting a central unit. Portable units just aren't enough for more than one room. Tacoma had a power outage during the hottest part of the day earlier this week because of the drain on the power grid, probably from all the fans and businesses running AC all day.

We broke all the past records for the day, and the higest Seattle temp ever recorded, according to King 5 last night.

Even here on "the rock" hot, hot, hot! I saw around 103 at the house but I think the thermometer was wildly optomistic (or pessimistic depending on your glass or view). Wimped out last night and cobbled 15 yr old a/c into bedroom window. Damn thing still works and hasn't been on for 14 yrs. Not so bad this a.m.

I put in a geothermal heat pump when I built my house a couple of years ago. Right now the wife thinks I'm a genius. I got 111 on the way home last night at Ballinger Way and Bothell Way in Lake Forest Park. No wonder the island in Lake Ballinger caught fire.

Right now the wife thinks I'm a genius.
Mine too...and most of the time I need all the help I can get. We installed a heat pump last fall for the HEAT side of the equation. The A/C was just a side benefit. Who'd ever thunk that it would get used this much in the scorching PNW summers.


Costco is delivering two AC units to our house tomorrow - happily paid the extra $75 in shipping to get them in 2 days. If they are only capable of cooling the bathroom, I'll sleep in the tub!

It's impossible to sleep when the bedroom is 96 degrees.

I've almost had to pull over a couple times due to heat from the cooling fans dumping onto my legs. Managed to reorient my feet/legs, though - still bloody hot and painful.

WTF are you people doing out here, anyway? We moved here expecting temps to be more moderate. Cooler in the summer, warmer in the winter.

What really killed us was our car being in the body shop due to being hit last weekend on the highway...at least if it were home, we could have turned on the AC and camped in the car with the dogs for a bit.

I saw 108 in Kirkland on the FJR's dash...and started calling the bike the FJR-B-Que because it was trying to roast me. I'd literally guzzle a bottle of water, ride home, and need another - over a span of about 25 minutes.

This morning's ride to work was downright cold...I loved it!

I was so hot this week I almost bought a car just to have AC!!!!!
