Well, from what I have seen so far for helmet holders they either were hanging where I didn't want the helmet or they were too expensive. Today I made one that works between the seat and the passengers seat. When not used it is not even noticed. It mounts on the bolt that the latch is bolted to on the seat. Anyone can make this thing if you get a light duty piece of metal at the hardware store. The one I used is about 7/8" wide; I had to cut it that wide from a 4 inch wide piece of metal. You can see from the photos that the helmet sits right on the seat when everything is locked up. Obvioulsly, to secure the helmet one unlocks the seat, removes the passenger seat, loops the D ring through the holder, setting the helmet on the seat; replace the passenger seat and lock. Bingo! Pretty simple, costs next to nothing if you do it yourself. I have one or two spares if someone wants one, I'll sell it for $15, shipped to you in the states. $2 more for Canada. Believe me, I don't really need to be in the helmet holder business, so if you have a pair of tinsnips, a metal file, some linesmans pliers, a drill and the 10mm socket to get the nut off the seat, you're there. Hope this helps someone. It works like factory.
By the way, the holes in the metal are to save weight. Ha, ha. No, seriously, that just happened to be the piece of metal I had to work with. Solid would likely look more trick. There is only one hole need be made, and that is for the latch.
That's one for the FNG.
By the way, the holes in the metal are to save weight. Ha, ha. No, seriously, that just happened to be the piece of metal I had to work with. Solid would likely look more trick. There is only one hole need be made, and that is for the latch.
That's one for the FNG.