Helmet Lock

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Nov 27, 2005
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helmet lock... my first question. I did introduce myself in the new member folder.

It's x-mas time and once again I am making notes of things to consider to buy...

Hubby has a 2005 with the custom seat. He had the heated grips installed prior to delivery.

I've just come across these helmet locks:


I was wondering if anyone has any experience with these that they would like to share?

Also, since he has the heated grips wil they interfere with those?

how would one know what size to get as the site has different size i.e 7/8" 1" etc.

Any other locks that you can suggest?

Thank you!

.... aloha known as Kathlene aka Menehune in the motorcycle community

Another way to go is with a Kryptonite cable lock. A six foot braided steel cable with a built in lock. That way, he can run a cable through the sleeve of his jacket, through the opening of his helmet (assuming a full face helmet), and the rack or frame rail on the bike. There is enough cable to run around a pole or something also. He can lock his gear

to the bike, and depending on the situation, lock the bike to a staionary object all with on device. It loops into a nice small package that fits under the seat. I thought about several different helmet locks before thinking about locking my expensive jacket also.

You can carry them into a restaurant easily enough, but it sucks to have to carry an armoured jacket around sight seeing or window shopping. I bought mine at Home Depot for about $9.00.

By the way, welcome!

I had my helmet guardian lock cylinders keyed to match my ignition key, then put them on some of these brackets to mount them on the sides under the seat, just like a factory setup!

I have the pair of Barenders on my '05, but I have no need for heated grips. Although I have no knowledge of how the heated grips are wired, I would think that if stock bar ends will work, the the barenders should too. They mount the same way your stock bar ends do, they have a threaded stud that screws into the end of the bars. And ........ you need the 7/8".

WOW! Thanks everyone for your replies and help. I shall check into it all.

What is funny, is I did get hubby the cable lock and he never has it on his bike. So I end having to lock it to my bike. I'm just wanting to get something that he won't have to lug around lol.

Thanks again!

Well I emailed the company about the barenders and got no response. So I guess I best not order those as I don't know how the heated grips were wire.

With that in mind. I wanted to ask about the Helmet guardian..

What about the exhaust pipes, will it interfere?

and will it still work with the side bags on?

My Webpage

Due to some request I had from a couple folks here on the board, here should be a link to some of the brackets in question.

