Helmet Quest Over

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Active member
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
Beaumont, TX
Well,I had posted on the ez board a couple of weeks back a question.Which helmet really performs in the real world?I got lots of good feedback from the board.Their was no clear winner.Here in Texas venting is a big issue,so i ordered the Shoei X-eleven Bostrom.Got it last Thursday and everybody was right about how much air you can feel inside it even at lower speeds(20'smph).So far i'm happy .

I have an x-eleven and the air conditioning is superb. :cold:

However, the noise level is quite high. I always ride with ear foamies, so it doesn't bother me that much. Otherwise the helmet is awesome. Very light-weight and comfortable.

Gee, the excessive list of smilies is great.

I too recently purchased an X-11 and MAN is it awesome! Great ventilation and great fit. I don't notice the noise at all, course I NEVER ride without foamies.


I thought it was a cool design,thanks.Yes,its a little noisy at hi speeds.I have a J&M head set installed in it,i just crank it up with some tunes.


Thats a cool lid too slapnpop.The AGV's were on my list of favorites too,just hard too chose when nobody around here carries them to try on or ride with.
