Helmet Speaker pics

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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
Corning, NY
I keep reading about people putting speakers inside their helmet. I am wondering if anyone has posted, or can they please post pictures of how this is done. I searched already and didn't find anything. If someone can post pics or post me the thread, I would appreciate it.

Thanks again.

Oh Ya, another thing while I got you here. Regarding the blue tooth thingy. I understand this on cellphones and actually have one, but wondering if there is any speakers of earbuds that would work the same way when listening to music. You know, like the Zumo 550 having bluetooth, could you listen to music on it inside your helmet wirelessly?

Another thank you.

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You should read this thread:


As far as "puttiing speakers" inside your helmet, it depends first if your helmet has room for them, and how much. The tiny flat speakers that came with my Scala Rider Teamset are very thin, but are a tight fit in my RF1000.

If you have lotsa room, you can sometimes just buy a pair of small headphones, (the kind with a band that holds them to your head) take them apart and fit just the speaker part into the earcup of your helmet, running the wires under the padding and out the back or down the side.

I use stereo "earbuds", these I have to put on , then put on my helmet, but they sound better than any speaker I have tried, and they also cut outside noise, as they are also "earplugs"...the advantage here is you don't have to listen to your music real loud to overcome wind noise, as the earphone itself cuts outside noise. This is going to be better for you in the long run , as most "in helmet" speakers will need to be cranked up pretty loud to overcome ambient noise (wind , engine noise, etc) and will subject your ears to more damage.

Many riders use earplugs to save their hearing, and these earphones do the same thing, but also contain tiny speakers so you can listen to your tunes.



What kind of helmet do you have? Arai does a very good job on the cheekpad design that allows room for speakers and you don't even know they're there (except for the good sound coming out of them).
