Helmet Speakers

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May 14, 2007
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Hey guys, anyone know where I can get a decent set of helmet speakers? I have a Shoei RF-900 full face helmet, I want to add just speakers and an iPod connector. My local stores all say I have to buy a helmet communications set, which I don't need (got no one to talk to on the bike but me anyway). I just want a good way to hook up my iPod for trips, without spending an arm and a leg on all the other jazz I'll never use.

Thanks as always!

If that's all you are going to use, a nice set of headphones (do a search on headphones to find out what others have used) and you should be set. You just break them apart to install the speakers in the helmet.

Many have gone with earbud speakers for this type application as well.

One in-expensive way to go is next time you fly on Delta Airlines buy their 2 piece Headphones ($2). I have been using them for a few months and they work okay if your windshield is all the way up or behind a tall shield.

I think for what you need, in ear headphones should do the trick. Try Sennheiser CX300 from circut city, they are very small and work extremely well.

As already mentioned, I just took a pair of older headphones and velcroed them into my helmet. Lets me hear the music as well as the drivetrain. Cheap easy fix thats easily removed for when I don't want to deal with them.

I have a set of
coming, to replace a cheaper set that are getting fuzzy (were never what I'd call great). The Iasus have gotten great reviews, and one doesn't have to screw with wiring etc.

View them here.

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You really should be wearing ear buds that seal in your ear to reduce wind noise.

Anything over 60% on an ipod is enough to damage your hearing.

Blasting that thing full to overpower the wind noise is a sure way to give yourself hearing damage.

(p.s. I work with audiologists and have tinnitus which sucks).

You really should be wearing ear buds that seal in your ear to reduce wind noise.
Anything over 60% on an ipod is enough to damage your hearing.

Blasting that thing full to overpower the wind noise is a sure way to give yourself hearing damage.

(p.s. I work with audiologists and have tinnitus which sucks).
Well, believe it or not, with my CeeBee +4+4, and an open face helmet, things are actually pretty damn quiet. I put the face shield on when it's raining, and the noise is fearsome, not unlike many full face helmets. I don't like shit stuck in my ears, just like I don't like looking through 3 layers of plastic at the road. My Skorp EXO-200 and speaker combo might surprise you in how well it all works, and at moderate volume levels to boot. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but tinnitus rings, not sucks... :p

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Thanks guys. Oddly enough, I picked up a pair of cheap Sony headphones, hacked them up, and got them to fit in my helmet. Picked up a wireless remote for the iPod, and since my helmet is fairly quiet (behind the Yammy touring windshield), I never had to go more than half-way on the volume to hear the music. I taped the headphone connector to the bottom-back side of the helmet, and used an extension cord to connect to the iPod (which was stored in my tank bag). It all worked really well, and am pretty happy.

Again, thanks for all your suggestions...
