Helmet woes

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esolc oot m'I siht dear nac uoy fI
Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Plano, TX
I like full face helmets. I like the protection they offer and I like the reduced wind noise compared to a 3/4 helmet. I also like the way they look and with modern day full face helmets I find the eye port is plenty big to see everything I need to see. The problem is I wear glasses and have a Freakishly Large Head ™. My first full face helmet was an HJC and while I managed to squeeze my nogen in it I had pressure points and was unable to get my glasses to slip behind my ears. I ended up with at least one arm of the glasses on the outside of my ear and let me tell you that after 2 hours of riding my ear was sore! I tried on a dozen full face helmets after that in an attempt to find one that didn't have too much pressure and let me get my glasses on. Finally I gave up on the dream and resigned myself to using a 3/4 helmet with an integrated flip up visor.

So, after seeing an article on the web with a technique for getting glasses on using a full face helmet I visited one of my local motorcycle shops to try the technique. It didn't really work. :( As I was walking around looking at helmets being helped by a sales guy - I'm a fan of Arai and wanted to see if a Profile would fit me - one of the girls behind the counter glanced at me and told me "I have a Shoei that'll fit you". Well, I've tried on an X11 before and barely got my head in it so I told her I haven't found a Shoei that'll fit my round head. The original salesmen had gone to the back room looking for a XXL Profile for me. "He won't find it back there", she said "but I'll let him look because he needs to learn to use the computer and see what we have in stock along with memorizing our stock." So she goes over to the shelf and hands me a Shoei. Me being one to try almost anything once - barring unnatural acts with hamsters, TWN or Bustanut Joker - I put the helmet on.

It was as if the heavens opened up and I was bathed in righteous-helmet-fitting glory! I opened the visor and went to put my glasses on. Lo and behold the arms slid effortlessly behind my ears!!! "If there's one thing I've learned", the sales gal smirked "it's how to look at people's head shape and get them the right helmet." My Freakishly Large Head ™ with it round bulbous shape has never fit into a helmet anything close to this well. Needless to say I was going to buy this helmet - the Shoei RF1000. After some negotiating to get a reasonable price I bought the helmet!!! :yahoo:

So, the moral to this story is if you're like me and have an odd misshappen freakish head that scares little children and invokes fits of crying in babies, don't give up hope. Try to find someone that knows helmets - I mean really knows helmets. You might find a helmet that's comfortable, fits with no pressure points, and allows up to do things like oh, I don't know, put on glasses without a problem!!!


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