help,custom message, and ok bottons spot 3

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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2012
Reaction score
Council bluffs, Iowa
I believe i get it for the most part... but am curious as to what people find most usefull to use as messages.

for example ... help/spot assist-- message would be something like "bike trouble bring fuel and/or send tow truck...custom message -- somthing like "no cell coverage will call when posible" ......and OK is the same thing as a custom message and just gives you the abillity to send different messages to different contacts.

user guide says: "Check In and Custom Message functions work the same way. This gives you the flexibility to send different messages to different contacts, or tailor messages for a specific purpose. Let your contacts know you've made camp for the night, reached your goal, or are doing fine. With the push of a button, your contacts receive your pre-programmed message by text or email complete with your GPS location". . I just purchased a spot 3 today and have been trying to learn as much as possible. How are people using these features. THANKS

Poolboy, here's a similar thread (on ST-Owners) where there's some similar discussion:

I have these custom messages setup with my SPOT II service:

  1. Check-in/OK: All's good, just checking in. Lovies *
  2. Help: NOT an emergency. No cell service. Send help (fuel, flatbed tow). *
  3. Custom: Cancel requested help. Resolved. Lovies *
  4. SOS: Touring Motorcyclist, Wearing HiViz Gear. 49yo male. Blood Type A+.
I've got my wife as the recipient for the first 3. She knows that I'll rely on tracking to keep her up to date on my location, and that I may think of sending 'Check-in/OK' messages when I stop (but if I don't, she is not to fret over multiple SPOT locations at the same location on a map).

I put the SOS text as shown so that the local emergency dispatch gets some information on what to look for and/or to expect if I have to use that button.

OK - Just taking a break (food, sightseeing, etc)

Custom - Settled in for the night (camping no cell coverage)

Help - Bike problems but I'm fine

SOS - I like the vital info idea (age, blood type, any medical issues, etc)

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Check in/OK= I'm OK

Custom= Checking in and done for the day.

Help/Spot Asst= I'm going to need a bit of help. Let's try to contact each other to talk about what to do.

SOS= Not editable on mine from what I see on Spot.

From the webpage: There is no message to edit for the S.O.S. alert. S.O.S. alerts along with your GPS coordinates are routed directly to GEOS International Emergency Response Coordination Center.

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My SOS doesn't have a custom message currently but I liked BakerBoy's idea and hope I can figure out how to do something similar.

UberKul wrote:

From the webpage: There is no message to edit for the S.O.S. alert. S.O.S. alerts along with your GPS coordinates are routed directly to GEOS International Emergency Response Coordination Center.
That's what my SPOT Gen3 account page shows also but there is a box to enter any "Additional Information" for S.O.S. alerts.

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