Help with Switched source for power distribution

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0 Posts Per Day
Feb 8, 2006
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Winchester, VA
UPDATED Finished Project Posted Below------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Okay I am attempting to install a power distribution block. My question tap into the switched power source I was thinking about using the blinker light wire...which of the 3 wires do i tap into?? (Red, Blue, or Black) Is it blue???

By the way how in the hell are you supposed to get to that screw deep inside the fairing from the battery towards the headlight???? I managed to get it loose but there is no chance ill be able to get it back in there!

Sorry for the dumb questions...

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Okay I am attempting to install a power distribution block. My question tap into the switched power source I was thinking about using the blinker light wire...which of the 3 wires do i tap into?? (Red, Blue, or Black) Is it blue???
By the way how in the hell are you supposed to get to that screw deep inside the fairing from the battery towards the headlight???? I managed to get it loose but there is no chance ill be able to get it back in there!

Sorry for the dumb questions...
Blue wire on the rear left taillight is switched. not the yellow.

Okay I am attempting to install a power distribution block. My question tap into the switched power source I was thinking about using the blinker light wire...which of the 3 wires do i tap into?? (Red, Blue, or Black) Is it blue???
By the way how in the hell are you supposed to get to that screw deep inside the fairing from the battery towards the headlight???? I managed to get it loose but there is no chance ill be able to get it back in there!

Sorry for the dumb questions...
What year is your bike? On my '06 I tapped into the power socket in the front compartment to power the front relay. Works like a charm. For the back one I tapped into the tail light wire (don't remember which color off hand but I could to pull the seat right quick if you need me to).

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Drew, not sure what screw your talking about... I always tap the blue wire in the front marker/parking/turn lamp on the right side. I hook the #85 on the relay to this blue wire... I pm'ed you my # if you need some phone support... Smitty

drew231506 queries:

how in the hell are you supposed to get to that screw deep inside the fairing from the battery towards the headlight????
I've been there, done battle with that screw. If you haven't gotten it out yet, let it be. If you did get it out -- you sorry bastard ;) I got my screw in/out with two long extensions, a swivel and had to magnetize the bit on the end. On another occasion I had to remove that screw again only this time I sucked it up and removed the battery and the battery box which made the job much easier. They did manage to make the battery box a pain to remove also. Good luck!
For switched power I originally used the glove box relay wire but have since move the connection to the left front turn signal, blue wire.

05 - Blue tail light marker wire. My bluesea and relay are in the back of the bike.

Like others, PM me if you have any questions - happy to help.

Trust me I read everything...many times. Thank you VERY much to everyone for their advice. I added a small power strip in the front of the bike for future goodies. Most of my gear is powered through the tank bag but I wanted to install heated grips so I went ahead and added the power strip now. I just cut the strip in half and made one positive and one negative then used 3M Dual Lock and snapped them to the bar. So now it should be simple to snap off and get to.

I did almost panic when I wasn't getting power after I had finished but it was because the Quick Connect thingy wasn't connected well enough. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your help!!

Heres the f-ing screw...took about an hour to get out. The hardest part was taking the plastic off!

see it down there...sheesh


here is the little "good enough" power strip. $39 for everything (including a wire stripper tool)

