Help with XM Roady

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score
Sahuarita, AZ
I was already to pick up an XM Roady at Circuit City until the saleslady told me this: The XM Roady must be used with a radio (Roady transmitting FM to a tuned frequency). If you plug earphones into the XM Roady directly, all you can hear is recorded material. Casual reading of past posts indicats to me that the Roady has either been wired through an intercom or used successfully with earphones while listening to broadcasts. But the saleslady said no (she even checked with the installer).

Can anyone state how this really works?



The sales lady is full of shit. The RoadyXT works fine and as you would expect with headphones plugged directly into the unit. EVERY XM radio I've owned works FINE with the headset plugged directly into the unit. That's why they have a HEADPHONE JACK.

The earlier models didn't have very much output, so a booster was necessary to get sufficient volumn, but I haven't had any problems going direct to the XT. Not that I use it that way very often. I usually DO listen to it through the FM transmittion, via a Zen Nano MP3 player (in my pocket) and a set of Etymotic ER6i earphones under my helmet.

ditto. if it has an audio out jack like my Sirius does, then at most you may need an amp like the MixIt

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The saleslady and installer don't have a clue. I have used a Roady for two years. Just plug in your earphones and adjust the output to an acceptable level. No problem.

I would ask for a discount to compensate for the extra trip back to the store B)


+1. The only problem I have is that it isn't loud enough because of my earplugs, so I do have a small battery operated FM radio I use as a booster. If you're not hearing impaired (tinitis, etc.) as I am, you should be alright.

radio shack sells a nice inline amplifier for maybe 15 bucks that runs on 2 aa batteries... works fine...


ditto. if it has an audio out jack like my Sirius does, then at most you may need an amp like the MixIt
The Mixit amplifies and multiplexes multiple audio inputs. So, if you have a XM radio, V1 and a Garmin auto-routing GPS you can have the audio for all sent to a single pair of helmet speakers.

I was already to pick up an XM Roady at Circuit City until the saleslady told me this: The XM Roady must be used with a radio (Roady transmitting FM to a tuned frequency). If you plug earphones into the XM Roady directly, all you can hear is recorded material. Casual reading of past posts indicats to me that the Roady has either been wired through an intercom or used successfully with earphones while listening to broadcasts. But the saleslady said no (she even checked with the installer).
Can anyone state how this really works?


I have a Roady2 piped thru an Autocom. The volumn adjustment was a PITA...has to be adjusted with the menu screen. When it is set for highway speed and you then come to a stop it is way too loud.

I found a simple cure, a small volume control, or rheostat, at Radio Shack for around $4. Its about the size of the end of your thumb and plugs "in-line with the audio output and the 1/8 audio jack. I GOOPED mine to the edge of the left handlebar control housing and can quickly adjust the volume with a quick brush of my left thumb.

Its probably not waterproof, so I bought a pack of what I call "thumb condoms" at CVS to roll one over the switch if it rains. They look like miniature condoms (opposite of BUNGEE condoms) and are used, I guess, for sore paper-cut or cracked skin on fingers and thumbs. No kidding!

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