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Mar 13, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
I need help deciding whether to buy the no drill sliders or the ones where you have to modify the fairing by drilling 2 holes to install and if I decide to modify... has anybody have details and maybe pics explaining how to info??

I need help deciding whether to buy the no drill sliders or the ones where you have to modify the fairing by drilling 2 holes to install and if I decide to modify... has anybody have details and maybe pics explaining how to info??
Here is a link.

I am not particularly handy but it was no big deal installing the R&G sliders. I drilled a small hole and had a look through to make sure I was on the engine bolt and then used a dremmel tool to enlarge the hole. The R&G sliders are larger than the hole so they cover any little errors you make.

Make sure you have a torque wrench to replace the bolts.


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Make sure that you also consider the sliders custom made by Skyway here on the forum.

The R&Gs are stronger because they bolt directly to the engine mount bolt with no offset. Mokos and Skyways are good, and avoid the drilling of the fairing, but IMHO are not as strong.

This is the result of a 35-40 mph low side with R&Gs and Bike Johnny TPT engine armor. Crash pics No oil leakage, no significant damage to functional parts. I rode 850 miles home after this crash, that same day.

You don't buy this stuff for looks, you buy it and install it so you can ride home after something bad happens.

The holes in the fairing are not difficult. You back out the factory bolt until it hits the fairing, then drill a small hole to find the center. Use the hole for reference to cut the larger hole for the slider to go through. DON'T try and cut it 'just big enough', cut it a little oversize. Trust me on this. It will save you a cracked fairing later when you try and get the bent bolt and damaged slider off.

Be aware that the hole won't show once you have the slider in place. Mine were done with a dremel once the centering hole was drilled and the larger hole marked. A step drill, (the trade name escapes me at the moment), works great, but isn't necessary if you don't have one.
