Babelfish is usually pretty good, but I was having real problems reading the article. I took the liberty of passing Babelfish's translation through my sweedish chefferizer (ala the Muppet Show) to get back as close as possible to the original article. Then I passed the chefferizer output through my jiverizer. Now I think I understand the article. The intermediate and final results are below.
First, the intermediate:
Ernuld Vegner, zee preseedent ooff PEREFES SOoPERBELL INGINES ® ere-a fery boosy defelup un ingeene-a veet ruteteeng peestuns. In itselff nutheeng noos, Vunkelmuturee ere-a zeere-a fur yeers, boot Vegner defeluped a boolbuoos bluck-system in vheech zee boolbuoos peestuns nut tvu - boot mufe-a threely-deemensiunel. Fur he-a vhu noo elreedy poolls oooot: de's a peeece-a mure-a cumpleeceted. Boot zeere-a elreedy sooch a neecely smell bulletje-a in Yemeha leees YP-400 freme-a, fur test eeems. Zee coobe-a vuoold be-a ispeceeelly smeller und mure-a iffffeecient, und is errunged fur ell keends ooff fooels.
Bork Bork Bork!
Zee sooperbell ooff
© Prumuter 2006
Vegner, ifer tup-oontverper in zee plune-a indoostry, hefe-a booeelt elreedy seence-a yeer und dey cufered ingeene-a beecycles under zee merk neme-a Icumubeele-a. Zee mutureesering ooff zeese-a ' cebeen beekes ' ceme-a ooff BMV, boot Vegner deceeded veell defelup zeemselfes strengt suoorces. Seence-a 2004 he-a hes vurked fur its Sooperbells. Zee neme-a is ooff zee terms Soopercherged cumpused (drookfoolleeng ooff zee cumboosshun chembers) und bell shepeeng, zee furm ooff internel ooff its mutur'blukken'(meesschiee moost ve-a cuncerneeng oon zee term ingeene-a bells).
Bork Bork Bork!
Eccurdeeng tu Ernuld, vheech ere-a, hooefer, preemerily interested in eppleeceshun et ingeene-a beecycles, its strengt suoorces veell prufe-a tu be-a elsu errunged fur cers und oozeer eppleeceshuns. Zeey cun roon oon petrul, deeesel, eerdges und ifee hydrugee.
Bork Bork Bork!
Zee sooperbellmutur in a test ilebureshun
© Prumuter 2006
Zeere-a elreedy three-a ferseeuns ixeest, veet cumboosshun chember cuntents ooff 147.,377 und 1280 cc. Zee bluck-system ixeests frum geeetijzeree a bell, veet oone-a deea meter ooff respecteefely 120.,160 oor 240 meellimeter fur zee celled ferseeuns. By zee centre-a ooff zee bell zee huuffdes roon. Tvu boolbuoos peestuns, veet iech tvu puurs, rutete-a in zee huoose-a oon tvu zvenkessee, vheech cumes frum zee meeddle-a ooff zee bell. Zeey ere-a furced sverfe-a by fuoor ceremeec bells vheech roon by tvu gruufes in zee huoose-a thet cere-a elsu thet cumboosshun - und zee precumpresseeekemers oopee und cluse-a. Thuse-a vurkeeng speces seet betveee peestun puur. Ell in ell but peestuns tesks pess thruoogh zee seme-a fuoor es in Oottu-mutur, boot zeey need fur thet boot a toorn ooff 360 degrees. Zee meextoore-a is leeghted by tvu edepted Vunkelmudel buoogeees ooff NGK. Fur zee cumpuseeshun elreedy Dell'Ortu cerbooreteoors ere-a, Le-a-Jetruneec ooff busch und zee injecshun system ooff YP-400 treeed oooot.
Bork Bork Bork!
THE BSPM 16-type-a (377 cc) veeegh 21.5 keelugremme-a und hefe-a beee tested up tu 2000 gu fur a reede-a per meenoote-a. Thet prudooced a cepeceety ooff 14 kV. Foorzeer testeeng et heegher tuerentellee seets erreefe-a zeere-a, und eccurdeeng tu zee ixpecteshuns cumes zeen 29 kV 4000 und tensluttee 40 kV et 6000 gu fur a reede-a frum zee bulletje-a.
Bork Bork Bork!
Zee cumplete-a krechtbrunnetje-a ere-a epprupreeete-a ieseely oon zee sput ooff zee a cyleender strengt suoorce-a vheech in Yemeha-scuuter leefe-a nurmelly. Lerger cupeees cun ixpect ve-a in zee Perefes ingeenes und in smell cers.
Bork Bork Bork!
Three-a mufeeng perts
Zee sooperbellbluk in YP-400 a scuuter
© Prumuter 2006
Becoose-a zeere-a ere-a boot three-a mufeeng perts, und becoose-a zeere-a internel cumpresseee-a frum zee fooel tu 1.7 ber teke-a plece-a, cleeemt zee munooffectoorer a lerger iffffeeciency. By zee beesecshun ooff zee tuerentellee (nurmel feeertekt ingeene-a need 720 degrees ruteteee-a fur a cumplete-a cycle-a) prumeese-a Vegner elsu oonce-a mure-a helff tu veer und tvu teemes thees vey lung leeffe-a spun, et a fooel sefeeng ooff 40 per cent. Zee veeeght is - egeeen eccurdeeng tu Vegner - elsu helff ooff seemiler feeertekt bluck-system. He-a furesees thoos a lerge-a footoore-a fur its deseegn. Seferel be-a ellooed booeeld in zee Sooperbells cummeetting is elreedy boosy veet ecqooureeng leecenties in zeeur prudoocts.
Bork Bork Bork!
Now the jiverized final:
De invento' at its Sdownerball on de test bank
© Promota' 2006
Arnold Wagner, de super-dude uh PERAVES SUPERBALL ENGINES ® are real busy develop an engine wif rotatin' pistons. In itself nodin' news, Wankelmoto'en are dere fo' years, but Wagna' developed some bulbous block-system in which de bulbous pistons not two - but move dreely-dimensional. Fo' he who now already pulls out, dig dis: da's some piece mo'e complicated. But dere already such some supa' finely little-ass bolletje in Yamaha lies YP-400 frame, fo' test aims. De cube would be especially little-assa' and mo'e efficient, and be arranged fo' all kinds uh fuels.
De sdownerball of
© Promota' 2006
Wagner, eva' top-ontwerpuh' in de plane industry, gots' built already since year and day covered engine bicycles unda' de Amos dojigger Ecomobile. What it is, Mama! De moto'iserin' uh dese ' cabin bikes ' came uh BMW, but Wagna' decided gots'ta develop demselves strengf sources. Since 2004 he gots'ta wo'ked fo' its Sdownerballs. De dojigger be of de terms Sdownercharged composed (drukvullin' uh de combusshun chambers) and ball shapin', de fo'm uh internal uh its moto''blokken'(misschien must we concernin' on de term engine balls).
Acco'din' t'Arnold, which are, however, primarily interested in applicashun at engine bicycles, its strengf sources gots'ta prove t'be also arranged fo' cars and oda' applicashuns. Dey kin run on petrol, diesel, aardgas and even hydrogen. 'S coo', bro.
De sdownerballmoto' in some test elabo'ashun
© Promota' 2006
Dere already dree versions 'esist, wif combusshun chamba' contents uh 147.,377 and 1280 cc. De block-system 'esists fum gietijzeren some ball, wif one dia meta' of respectively 120.,160 o' 240 millimeta' fo' de called versions. By de centre uh de ball de hoofdas run. 'S coo', bro. Two bulbous pistons, wif each two poo's, rotate in de crib on two zwenkassen, which comes fum de middle uh de ball. Dey are fo'ced swerve by foe ceramic balls which run by two grooves in de crib dat care also dat combusshun - and da damn precompressiekamers jimmey and close. What it is, Mama! Dose wo'kin' spaces sit between piston poo'. All in all bof pistons tax's pass drough de same foe as in Otto-moto', but dey need fo' dat but some turn uh 360 degrees. De mixture be lighted by two adapted Wankelmodel bougies uh NGK. Fo' de composishun already Dell'Orto carburateurs are, Le-Jetronic uh bosch and da damn injecshun system uh YP-400 tried out.
THE BSPM 16-type (377 cc) weigh 21.5 kilogramme and gots' been tested down t'2000 go fo' some ride puh' minute. What it is, Mama! Dat produced some capacity uh 14 kW. Furda' testin' at higha' toerentallen sits arrive dere, and acco'din' t'de 'espectashuns comes den 29 kW 4000 and tenslotten 40 kW at 6000 go fo' some ride fum de bolletje. What it is, Mama!
De complete krachtbronnetje are appropriate easily on de spot uh de some cylinda' strengf source which in Yamaha-scoota' live no'mally. Slap mah fro! Larga' copies kin 'espect we in de Peraves engines and in little-ass cars.
Dree movin' parts
De sdownerballblok in YP-400 some scooter
© Promota' 2006
A'cuz dere are but dree movin' parts, and cuz' dere internal compressie fum de fuel t'1.7 bar snatch place, claimt da damn manufactura' a larga' efficiency. Slap mah fro! By de bisecshun uh de toerentallen (no'mal viertakt engine need 720 degrees rotatie fo' some complete cycle) promise Wagna' also once mo'e half t'wear and two times dis way long life span, at some fuel savin' uh 40 puh' cent. De weight be - again acco'din' t'Wagna' - also half uh similar viertakt block-system. 'S coo', bro. He fo'esees dus some large future fo' its design. 'S coo', bro. Several be allowed build in de Sdownerballs committin' be already busy wif acquirin' licenties in deir products.
Source, dig dis: Doug Buckwheatson