High RPM's

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Apr 24, 2010
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Out riding yesterday and just installed a new GPS unit. While driving I was fiddling with the GPS (stupid I know) and left it in third gear for about 10 miles and reached 6000 rpm. Should I go get it checked out or is this not a big problem if happened for the first time?

Out riding yesterday and just installed a new GPS unit. While driving I was fiddling with the GPS (stupid I know) and left it in third gear for about 10 miles and reached 6000 rpm. Should I go get it checked out or is this not a big problem if happened for the first time?
I accidentally left it on 7500 rpm for about 100 miles once.....twice.....three times...maybe like twenty times one day! I hope that wasn't a problem. :rolleyes:

If Skooterg with 220K+ can't blow up one of these motors and trannies up...I really doubt you're going to be able to. Ride the piss out of it and it will be fine.

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You're kidding right? You know redline is 9,000 rpm don't you? You know you don't even hit the rev-limiter until 10-10.5k rpm, right?

What rpm do you normally ride at?

If this isn't truly the stinkiest bait around, then why-o-why didn't you wait until Friday?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Wow. Of course it can take it. Really, you must be one of those guys who gets 10,000 miles out of a rear tire, and only has to change it then because of age-checking and other various cracks in the tire. Beat it like a rented Ferrari, and just worry about how much footpeg material you've got left. Sorry, folks, I know it's not Friday yet, but I had a weak moment, and Monday was a bitch at work.


I was going to answer but it's been covered already. 6/9th = 66% of red line. Certainly nothing to worry about. Being engrossed on your GPS while in motion is the real issue.

You're SO screwed PGAPRO. That bike's scrap now. Even though we've just met, I'll do you a sincere favor & offer to take it off your hands for a few $100's.

Damn...is it Friday yet?


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I was going to answer but it's been covered already. 6/9th = 66% of red line. Certainly nothing to worry about. Being engrossed on your GPS while in motion is the real issue.
Yes! Gunny. +110! Amen!

You're admission proves you can't "play" with your GPS and remain mentally alert and in control of your motorcycle.

[SIZE=14pt]Stop it,[/SIZE] before you injure yourself and possibly another.

No FJRs were over-revved or otherwise injured in typing this post.

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I'm confused. I thought with a GPS you were supposed to ride while watching the little screen because that told you what the road was going to be doing up ahead. :huh:

High RPM's
...are just like Low RPM's; only faster.

Seriously tho, tickers aside, I don't recall anyone blowing up an engine or even getting one to wear out prematurely. Pretty hard to destroy.

...While driving I ... left it in third gear for about 10 miles and reached 6000 rpm. Should I go get it checked out or is this not a big problem if happened for the first time?
Since RPM are an integral function of the Horsepower Equation (Physics) -- there's no getting away from using/discussing them.

From a mechanical engineering perspective, FJR mean piston speeds at redline are, in the neighborhood of, 4K FPM (20 M/S) -- all safe speeds and commonly exceeded by many engines. Given that the FJR uses forged pistons (and piston failure is often an engine's Achilles heel) -- the best equipment is being used for the job.

Contrarily: if one would accept the premise that X work is being done -- and X work divided by 6K RPM = less force (per moment/instant) is being applied on any part as RPM increase. IOW: more Revs are better...! :eek:

Then, consider that Mr. Soichiro Honda (back in the '60s) claimed that his company's motorcycles were designed to run at a continuous 75% output/speed. In FJR terms: constant 7,000 RPM would be fine...(that'd be somewhere north of a-buck-twenty, in top gear) :rolleyes:

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Wow, I was so, so, so....................kind. You guys let loose with both barrels.
not at all. everyone is just kidding around while answering the question. the revs reported are no problem. being so distracted that the OP forgot to shift is.

Just remember that there are many people from places other than the left coast. Touchy feely passive aggressiveness isn't the norm in most of the country. Cut sessions (also known as burns in some areas) and busting people's balls is a something friends do to friends. Outside of CA, WA, and OR most people are aggressive aggressive when they let loose with both barrels.

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Sell the bike. NOW.

Get a Honda scooter or some other automatic where you can twist the right hand thingy to your heart's delight while your head is buried in the GPS and won't be troubled by instruments measuring rpms.
