Highway Patrol traffic at The Dragon

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Aug 22, 2007
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Any word if the attitudes and politics have died down at Deal's Gap... heard they were even writing tickets for lack of proof of shatterproof glasses.

If you just have to go, wait it out until after Sept, or go on a weekday.

It's just moronic anymore to run the dragon on a weekend. Between the damned cages running across the yellow, the squids/oil leakers running across the yellow, the 'what's a track day?' squids putting knees down out there and, oh right, the 18 wheelers jacking it up, that place is a beacon for squidly behavior and general a$$clown-ish-ness (that's such a cool new word!) -- lets not forget the 'what's a pullout' oil-leaker crowd, and the poor, poor residents of the road and surrounding area who could not care less how many turns there are.

Plenty of good roads in NC, GA and WV without the LEO presence.

They ought to make that a toll road, and pay for the govt. services (police/fire/rescue) from the tolls. That should make the TN bean counters happy.

Any word if the attitudes and politics have died down at Deal's Gap... heard they were even writing tickets for lack of proof of shatterproof glasses.
Check out these links as well:


Dragon's Tail

i emailed their department and advised i'd be there in a few weeks, that i'd heard of the increased leo presence, and the citations issued, and appreciated all they were doing to help ensure everyone's safety. i then asked what i needed to do to in order to obey their laws, that i'd owned both of my pairs of sunglasses for over 6 months and no longer had the cute little stickers that indicate they're shatterproof (if they indicated that to begin with), and asked what i am supposed to do to obey the laws and not endanger the officers. i also asked if having my FOP plate attached to my license plate would be another problem. they replied with the identical letter posted on tailofthedragon.com. identical, word for word. i replied and called the form letter to their attention, pointed them tot the totd.com website, and that it didn't address my two simple questions. i'm still waiting on a reply. just sittin' here and waiting... ( :
