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Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Shingle Springs, California
Went aridin' last weekend, and, can you believe it? I took pictures along the way and now

I'm posting them here.

As usual, I posted an invite in the CA section, but the takers were ....there weren't any.

So, off I went, south for a bit and then east and up out of the valley on Highway 4.

Out the door shortly after sunrise, and gliding along through the crisp morning air.

(I wrote that.)



This motard dude jumped in behind me and ran up on me, ...


and considered passing the old dude on the bagger,

.... but then he was made understand the diff between 450cc's and 1298 YAMAHA cubic centimeters

of displacement! hahahaha. ....How juvenile. I'm ashamed.

(I'm probably lucky the road wasn't real twisty, given my skills. :blink: )

Moving along. :D

Well, normally, when I go up Hwy. 4, I ride through Angel's Camp, and just as you're leaving town, you take a left, and head on up. So since I was daydreaming, that's what I did this time.

Well, there's been some changes.


What the ....?


So, I went back and realized that I'd driven right by the new turn-off.

I don't like it, but I suppose it's progress.


Okie doke.

Not far up the road, at about 2500 ft., sits the cool little town of Murphys. Named by the

Murphy boys who were a couple of the first fellows to bring wagons over the Sierras back in the mid-1800's.

This is main street and the Murphys Hotel.

(Mark Twain and Ulysses S. Grant stayed here -and signed the register- back when Dr. Rich was just a teen.)


Lots of folks come up here, park their cars, and just walk all over town.


Another victim of the poor economy?


Another shot of the hotel, but with a pretty gal walking by.


Continuing up the hill. Looks like Oregon, huh? Except without the sneaky LEO's. :D


As you go higher, the trees get smaller and the forest less dense.


A few miles from the pass, the road narrows suddenly, the center line goes away, and Lake Alpine

appears on your right - - - unless you're riding backwards, and then it would be ........


I came up behind three couples on H-D's just past Alpine, and instead of passing them, I just followed at

a respectful distance for a good few miles. It was very relaxing, and I'm sure they were having a

really great time, just rumbling along, enjoying the incredible scenery. Me too.

It looked like this...





You actually see a lot of motorcycles on this road on weekends.


Well, ......not that many. But a good few. Even some "fat" bikes.


Just before the summit area, there's good old Mosquito Lake.



Well stocked with walleye. That's a native fish found only in this lake. Nowhere else.


Nice country up here. AND, it stays relatively cool of course, while the valley is sweltering. Hovered around

70 this day.


I had brought a sack lunch, so I turned off the main road...


and found a spot where I could "set a spell".


Encountered a family with a half-dozen horses, preparing to head out into the high country on an outing.

Only got pics of the horses.


Nice brand. (I had just been listening to U2 and Mary J. Blige singing One.)

Not sure what this horsey body-language was saying.


And then down the other side.


I'll wrap up this mess in a second. Only about 100 more piccies. (Even 2 or 3 good ones. :lol: )


Lots of granite up here, with trails aplenty.


You'll occasionally see an off-road loonie come out of the woods and cross your path.


I headed on down and toward Markleeville for gasoline.

Had I turned here, I might have encountered Uberkul and his lovely daughter Erin - fighting the tar snakes.


In Markleeville, I did however, get to meet the forum's own Bugnatr and his buddy. They'd been on the

road for a few days and were heading home to Grass Valley.


Now full of it - gas - I simply turned around and headed back the way I'd come. The road and vistas

are quite different-looking heading west up and over the pass. So I took some more blurry photos.

I stopped here and climbed all over the granite, looking around and wishing I'd brought camping gear.


Dern near fell and broke my ass. It's steeper than it looks. Honest. Hard to climb in stupid boots.


I'm uploading an incredible video I filmed at this spot, but it's taking a while. I'll have to come back

and plug in the link later. It rivals my first film, so it's not to be missed. :blink:

-Edit- Here's that video link - Clickie!

Just a couple more photos of this area, before I head back down.


Great hiking out there.


And on down.



I stopped at a place called Irish Vineyards, to have a look. But these two lovely chocolate Labs

didn't like the looks of me, and ran me off. (But not before I took their picture.)


Irish Vineyards???? I shoulda known better.

The wine probably had a head on it. :D

The day was slipping away, and I was now craving an ale, so I took a fairly direct route home.


It's just a different kind of beauty down here in the valley. Nice powerlines too.


The pain is almost over. One last picture.


Thassit. Thanks for taking the time. And peace.

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As usual, I posted an invite in the CA section, but the takers were ....there weren't any.
Geez, OM - that's just wrong. FWIW, I'd have gone with you :D

ps - where's the vid you promised? I got all excited when you said it was similar in quality to your first one ;)

Damnitt OM, how can I steal these pictures and say I tookem' if you keep leaving that yellow helmet on the bike. Beemerdons can relly get that front tire in the air. Thanks for the pictures and report. Now have a new desktop picture.

Nice job OM. What kind of truck was that again? ;) That would make for a really nice moto road if the trucks and minivans would stay off of it. MEM was hogging the internet or I would have replied sooner.

Thanks for the great ride as usual. You keep the incentive up to go ride your neck of the woods!

Great report, had an aunt lived in Sonora. Been in area several times but not on a bike. Makes me lonesome for that country.

Posted up for invites, yeah right! What did you do give everyone 20 minutes to respond at 4am?

Geesh I would have been there...

Done 4 a few years back, real fun stuff, great vistas.

Thanks for sharing OM.

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Michael, great report and pictures. Some years ago I rode my Harley from Palm Springs to my home in Salem. I traveled 395 to 89 and spent the night in a little motel outside of Woodfords. I thought the country was spectacular and planned to come back some day. Maybe next summer.

