HJC helmet question

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Elk Grove, CA
I bought an HJC CL-SP based on a review on webbikeworld.com that said it was quiet. With the visor full up or off it is indeed very quiet. Put the visor down and it's by far the noisiest helmet I own. It's not the visor seal, it's tight and they tend to whistle. I'm talking roaring/booming so loud I don't like wearing it. It's not coming from underneath either. None of my other helmets are like this in fact they're just the opposite. They're quiet with the visor down as I would expect. Any ideas?

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How does it compare to the MP3 recording in the review? Possibly a bad fit or attachment on the visor? They tested on a Triumph, perhaps you can find FJR version.......... :p

How does it compare to the MP3 recording in the review? Possibly a bad fit or attachment on the visor? They tested on a Triumph, perhaps you can find FJR version.......... :p
Yeah that is about a silly assed MP3 thing. I really dont think it's a visor thing, it's a tight seal all around. It's like being inside a steel drum that somebody's pounding on with the visor down. Downright weird. Earplugs make it less painfull but it's still annoying as hell. Guess I'll just make it my summer helmet without a visor. Anybody wanna buy a helmet? :lol:

I have the HJC sy-max and it is quiet in open air but behind the shield on either bike it makes more noise than my Aria. Why I don't know but I always wear ear plugs so it is tolerable.

I have the HJC sy-max and it is quiet in open air but behind the shield on either bike it makes more noise than my Aria. Why I don't know but I always wear ear plugs so it is tolerable.
I have a sy-max too, it's reasonably quiet. I used to have a KLR650 as well. I called that little windscreen a turbulence generator. I took it off and not only did the bike look better but it was way more quiet. Have you tried that?

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I've got the SP and do find it a little noisier with the shield down but certainly not booming. IMO

The buffeting behind a shield, especially at the top of a helmet, can totally screw up any aerodynamic design built into said helmet. I would imagine thats the case here. Shield height/placement could make all the difference in the world-Skyways new windshield tuning spacers could help, assuming you already have an aftermarket larger shield in place. I know my version of the tuner did.

I've found that a lot of noise comes from the vents on top of the helmet. Try them closed with a little tape over them.

The buffeting behind a shield, especially at the top of a helmet, can totally screw up any aerodynamic design built into said helmet. I would imagine thats the case here. Shield height/placement could make all the difference in the world-Skyways new windshield tuning spacers could help, assuming you already have an aftermarket larger shield in place. I know my version of the tuner did.
Spacers reduce noise in the shield down position but increase it on the shield up position on all 3 of my shields :blink: The noise I'm :cry: 'ing about with this helmet is with the shield up. It's not too bad down. Like I said, it's completely weird. So quiet I can hear the cam chain whizzing with the visor off and so noisy it's painful with it on. And just so's ya's knows, I'm not a big puss about noise. I listen to hard rock cranked, I shoot, and I've been riding for over 30 years and this has me completely befuttled. :wacko: And whining like a girl. How embarrassing.... :lol:

I've found that a lot of noise comes from the vents on top of the helmet. Try them closed with a little tape over them.
I'll try it. Couldn't hurt...

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