Hot Weather Riding

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Feb 3, 2008
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Surprise, AZ
We get 120 degree temps and lots of stop and go traffic here. At 70, degrees my fan came on in normal traffic situations. It brought up the question: What temp does the fan do its job and when does it quit doing it? Also, what's the correct positon of the side panels for ventilation for very hot weather?

We get 120 degree temps and lots of stop and go traffic here. At 70, degrees my fan came on in normal traffic situations. It brought up the question: What temp does the fan do its job and when does it quit doing it? Also, what's the correct positon of the side panels for ventilation for very hot weather?
According to the user manual, the side panels should be open for hot weather. Now if you're running a PCIII your bike will run about 1 bar cooler than stock, at least that's the case with the Gen II bikes.

I've ridden my 06 in the mid 90's and the fans will come on in slow traffic but it's not a problem. It might run a bar higher but nothing to worry about.

I'm more concerned about keeping myself cool that the bike.

You might want to go to This FAQ page and read the '06-'08 (GenII) Bin-O'-Facts where, IIRC, the temps are listed.

[SIZE=8pt]Just a suggestion, mind you. MAYBE someone will give you the numbers you desire and save you the time.....and explain the side vents so you don't have to read that either. I know that when you sign up for the Forum it is "strongly" suggested that you read both Bin-O-Facts threads to familiarize yourself with the FJR, but........[/SIZE]

Or you could use the Google search method: engine fan; side vents


Hot weather and ventilation - I did try the search on the forum and I just couldn't come up with the information I wanted. I don't know how to use it very well yet. And, I did see the item in the manual about open and closed but it was not perfectly clear to me whether they meant open is for summer or not. Opening a vent near a hot engine in very hot weather didn't necessarily mean cooler to me so I wanted to double check it with the people who might have been through it. Same with the fan coming on. I had an 07 Bandit 1250 before the FJR and its fan didn't come on as quick. That could mean just a difference in bikes or a that the FJR runs a bit hotter.

Last Chance - I clicked on your suggestion yet again and this time I did see the discussion on ventilation. I had been through it about three times but skipped over "Adj Middle Fairing" as I was looking for ventilation. Tough to get old. Most of the time I ask questions, I know the answers have already been given but I just can't find them. Thanks for the heads up. I still don't see a definate answer about which way to run the FJR - in or out but it seems that a few thought in was better than out which seems opposite but they did explain why and that makes some sense. It looks like a little trial and error might be in order soon here. 90s and 100s will be here in 30-40 days or so.

From the page: "FAQs and Common Historical Info"; Thread Title: "'06-'08 Bin-O-Facts (Generation II)":

Cooling System:Total Coolant System: 2.75 Qt, (0.69 Qt radiator capacity, 0.26 Qt reservois capacity)

Thermistat: NIPPON model 4FM, Opening at 156 - 163 °F, Full Open at 185 °F

Coolant Temp Sensor: 290–354 Ohm (Ω) at 176 °F

Bar Graph:

There are 10 segments on the coolant temperature bar graph/display for Gen II FJR's. (Gen 1's have 6 bars)

Estimated bar to temperature conversion (otrfjr) (i.e. using the '05 values and dividing by 10)

Basis: If 1 bar = 104 (degrees Fahrenheit) and 6 bars = 248; for 10 bars >> then 248-104 = 144/10 = 14.4/per bar.

Estimations based on Gen 1 data:

1 = 104.0 - 118.4 (deg. F)

2 = 118.5 - 132.9

3 = 133.0 - 147.4

4 = 147.5 - 161.9

5 = 162.0 - 176.4

6 = 176.5 - 190.9

7 = 191.0 - 205.4

8 = 205.5 - 219.9

9 = 220.0 - 234.4

10= 234.5 - 249.9+


Discussion Clicky

Ambient Temperature Sensor Location:

Clicky for Pics - or - Thread Clicky

Adjustable Middle Fairing: Clicky for PicsAllows warm air to be directed on or away from the rider.

Highly debated as to which position is for summer and winter, the bottom line is that it does not make anything cooler.

The adjustable middle fairings changes the direction of the warm air, but does not reduce heat.

In th 'In' position, the stream of warm air is closer to the FJR, and with the 'Out' position, the stream is about 2-3" farther away from the FJR at the rider's peg.
Madmiike2 - thanks for the great information. That tells me what I wanted to know. Thanks for going through the trouble to get the numbers. And thanks to all who respond to us that are 'technically challenged' but have questions on the forum. Everyone has been a big help.

Welcome !

For me it doesn't matter much beyond 110 as the heat from the pavement coming up is really nasty. I haven't had any overheating problems but I'm not a commuter stuck in traffic daily either. I've done a lot of riding above 115 crossing the desert with no problems. If I had to cross the Valley on city streets all summer I'd take my truck before subjecting the bike & self to so much heat. I think you'll wilt before too many trips with that level of heat commuting in ATGATT. 145 hp does put out the heat & it rises while you're sitting waiting on traffic . . .I did get out my ZX-7 Kawa back when we had the hottest day recorded in the valley & it will take your breath away in traffic - very tough conditions here in the summer (as you know !). I tend to get up early & leave the Valley in the summer if I want to ride the bike.

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FJRobert - thanks for the reply. My Bandit 1250 did pretty well in the heat here. But the FJR fan comes on now with traffic on Bell Ave (the worst as you know) and that bothered me. I'm glad to hear it will probably be okay if I stay out of traffic jams.

MadMike2 got the temps for each temp bar for me and that will help a lot. Now, I will know what those bars really mean and when to pull it over and shut it off I think it's too high etc. The FJR does run hotter than some bikes it seems. And, there's a ton of difference between 100 degrees and 125; it's just bruttal here at times. I don't want to go for a fun ride at 125 degrees either but it's very easy to get caught up in a traffic jam here and I needed to know what I'm dealing with for temp. Thanks again for the input. It sounds encouraging.

Here in the Central Valley of California (I'm just South of Sacramento) we have our own heat. Not 125, but 105-110 is common in the Summer. I pretty much commute on my bike, even in the heat, however we are allowed to "lane share" so even in stop-and-go traffic I can toodle along at 10-20mph....and it really helps.

As with Robert's advice, when we are riding on the weekends we "git outta Dodge" by 0800-0900, enjoy the Coast or the Sierras (where the heat can also be brutal--I've seen 95 degrees @ 6o00 ft elevation) and stop for dinner on the way home.
