How about some comfort advice

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Feb 25, 2012
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Well, after 700 miles in three weeks ( in Ohio, in Feb. no less) on my new to me 05 FJR. I can say I love it, however I have to say it is not as comfortable as my 01 FZ1. Smoother ride, yes, just as much power, yes. But after 130 miles today my shoulders were alittle sore and my throttle hand (thumb) was alittle numb. I assume this is due to the slightly forward position. Now for the question, I want to raise my bars and maybe bring them back alittle. Can someone suggest some specfic riders and opinions on how to correct this issue. Any do's or don'ts.

I can tell you one thing that I find a blast, is to take the FJR on some twisties for about an hour and then jump right on the FZ and run the same course!! The FZ is like whipping around a 1000cc dirtbike!! No doubt the best two bike in the world!! Atleast for me!!

Anyway, any help would be great!!

Twist the Wrist!!


Tour performance heli extenders will raise the handlebars and also move them back abit, Rick Mayer seat will remove the numb tingle in the legs, and most of all, get an Audio Vox cruise control, it will allow you to relax that aching right hand, hope this helps, they are called farkles, and they improve the FJR quite abit!


Well, after 700 miles in three weeks ( in Ohio, in Feb. no less) on my new to me 05 FJR. I can say I love it, however I have to say it is not as comfortable as my 01 FZ1. Smoother ride, yes, just as much power, yes. But after 130 miles today my shoulders were alittle sore and my throttle hand (thumb) was alittle numb. I assume this is due to the slightly forward position. Now for the question, I want to raise my bars and maybe bring them back alittle. Can someone suggest some specfic riders and opinions on how to correct this issue. Any do's or don'ts.

I can tell you one thing that I find a blast, is to take the FJR on some twisties for about an hour and then jump right on the FZ and run the same course!! The FZ is like whipping around a 1000cc dirtbike!! No doubt the best two bike in the world!! Atleast for me!!

Anyway, any help would be great!!

Twist the Wrist!!

Sounds like Helibars are in order.


If it was just your wrist that was sore then do the throttle spring mod but the stiffness in the shoulder blades tells me you are reaching a little too much and need the bars risers. I put the Helibars Triple Clamp on my 06 AE and am very comfortable on the bike. Tour Performance Helibars only offer an adapter for the Gen I however.

Tour Performance Helibars

I also find doing a few simple shoulder stretches before & after a long ride helps.

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I am looking for some suggestions regarding comfort on my new to me 05 FJR. I picked it up three weeks ago and have put 700 miles on her so far, I realize that may not sound like much but considering I am in Ohio in February I think that is pretty good. ;) I put 120 miles on today and by the end of the ride the center of my shoulders were a little sore and my thumb on my throttle hand seemed to go numb. I am not sure this is from the position because this is the same issue I had when I rode my Harley Lowrider, which I sold to by the FJR!! :clapping: (best thing I ever did)But the Lowrider was a cruiser and did not have the same seating position as the FJR at all. Now to really confuse you the other love of my life is my 01 FZ1 which is the most comfortable I have ever ridden at any distance. It is obvious the FZ allows me to sit up with no pressure forward and I have never had any issues while riding her. Lastly, I am in very good physical condition, 5'8 180, and it feels like Im always reaching on the FJ. So how can I make my FJ feel like my FZ?

I am thinking bar risers with a rearward offset? First do they make such a beast? If so has anyone have any experience with them? What brand do you suggest? any do's or dont's?

I love the bike but I would like to make it just a tad more comfortable.

Here is what I have found is super fun and amazing at the same time!! Take the FJR out for about an hour on our local twisties and then jump right on the FZ1 and run the same course. The FZ feels like it is as light as a minibike!! Man talk about fun!!

Anyway thanks for any help you can share.


Exercise right.....Twist the Wrist

Couple things will help, and congrats on the upgrade. Just riding the new bike a while will acquaint your body with something different, but try this. You can Google "Master Yoda Riding Position." You may need to read through some extra crap to find a simple description of it, which I guess was first written up by someone with the forum name of--what else--"Master Yoda." Might have been this forum, maybe not, doesn't really matter.

The idea is to sit upright, bend at the waist, not bend your back. In fact, arch your back a little. Don't put any weight on your hands--that's probably where your numbness is coming from. You can support your weight a lot by squeezing the tank with your knees. I've found that you don't have to sit like that every minute, either. The position gives your body a lot of relief even if you only do it some of the time. Your back, shoulders and hands won't be as tired riding this way.

As to risers, there are a number of them for the Gen I's (up to model year 2005), and they're simpler and cheaper than the ones for the Gen II bikes. Some just raise the bars, others give a bit of setback. If you get a chance, try sitting on someone else's Gen I who has them and see what you think. I prefer the setback kind, and I bought a set used here on the forum. But just putting some more miles on and changing your riding position will help a lot while you decide what else to try.


I've got the Heli risers on my '05. You're welcome to stop by, throw your seat on my bike and see if the position suits you.



I replied in your other thread too. I have the Heli risers on my '05. You're welcome to come have a sit and see if you like them. They raise the bars about an inch and bring them about 1/2" closer as well. Just bring your seat since my Russell adds some height to the equation. PM me if you're interested.


SacramentoMike nailed it. At least I can say that what he recommends works for me. I would add that a throttle lock is a big help. I prefer the Vista-Cruise. I've used a throttlemiester also but find the vista cruise more effective and easier to engage-disengage. FWIW, I have the Heli-Risers that move bars up about an inch, maybe rearward about the same. I'm 6ft tall with fairly long arms.

I've met lots of people of all kinds of body types that love their FJR. I think that it takes awhile to get dialed in for comfort.

Also, maybe checkout aftermarket seats. I found that the stocker was not conducive to butt happiness on multiday rides.

Welcome to the club. Surrender your wallet- we're all here to help!

Don't be surprised if one of these gets closed, or if they're feeling good today maybe they'll be merged.

No reason to start the same thread in multiple locations. It's not like we'll forget who you were from one section to the next.

Micro, I have not had mine for that long, only since January, but I experienced the numb thimb thing the first 150 miles or so. After I realized I did not have to have the death grip on the bars and started to support my wieght with my legs and not leaning so far forward it seemed to go away. Also, taking off any rings on your left hand may help, that is what I did. I am mechanically inept so I don't have a throttle lock, but I am interested in a throttlemeister. The added benefit of heavy bar ends to reduce vibrations appeals to me, and I don't anticipate using it that much, just a few moments occasionally to reposition my hands and stretch. I will talk to you on Saturday and hopefully we can get out. By the way, anyone in the Newark/Heath OH area who would like to get out on Saturday, I am hoping to get some seat time in. Micro and I have been talking about it if anyone else is interested. Like everything else in my life, plans are only tentative at best. You can PM me to discuss.

Thanks for the suggestions; I do believe it is all about dialing in the bike to fit you and your style. I will definitely check out the master Yoda riding position. I have a Throttlemiester on the bike already with weighted bar ends have not used it much yet. Paul I will give you a call soon, not sure if this week will work since I’m working thirds and I have overtime every day, but I will take you up on your offer. Also just FYI Brent (posted under you) also pilots an FJR here in town, we just have not been able to hook up as of yet. I use my foot pegs a lot in applying pressure and changing positions and I’m with Brent on making sure there is no death grip (below 7K RPM) anyway. And when I notice my thumb going numb I just move it around a little to get blood to it. I’m thinking that since my arms are a little short and with the addition of risers I should be good to go. Lets spend some money!!

Plus one on everything above, I think we may have a potential group ride coming this summer. Anyone interested?

If it was just your wrist that was sore then do the throttle spring mod but the stiffness in the shoulder blades tells me you are reaching a little too much and need the bars risers. I put the Helibars Triple Clamp on my 06 AE and am very comfortable on the bike. Tour Performance Helibars only offer an adapter for the Gen I however.

Tour Performance Helibars

I also find doing a few simple shoulder stretches before & after a long ride helps.
I guess I will have to take the Tour Performance Heli risers off my 07, seems like they fit so well. I would hate to lose them.


I agree with Sacramentomike. Riding position is key to reducing fatigue. I read a book recently by Nick Ienatsch called Sport Riding Techniques and he covers this very well. Gripping the tank with your knees, keeping the weight off your hands. Using your torso to hold up your upper body. This makes a huge difference in comfort and how well you can deliver the inputs to your bike.

Another option is a less tall seat. The Corbin seat is about 3/4 of an inch lower, which in effect raises the bars 3/4". They also, along with other custom seat vendors, can lower the seat even more.

+1 on what the others are saying about the seating position. For my numb, cramping hands I changed to larger diameter grips. Pretty well took care of the problem.
