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Silver Penguin

Silver Penguin
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
Huntington Beach, CA
Any ride's a good ride, right? and if you can use the bike again it's even better. :D

Facing a list of chores that didn't appeal to me in the least - I had to make a decision this morning. Should I clean the house? Start the term paper? Prepare for my parents' visit this afteroon? Decisions. Decisions. :unsure:

The sun was shining. The temperature was just perfect for riding with decent gear on. Having completed the Streetmasters' workshop last weekend, I had things I wanted to try out. Just HAD to go for a ride.

It's been said over and again that the FJR is the best bike in the world to ride. It's fun, fast and pure joy to ride. My choice of twisty road is about 35 miles from home and those freeway miles were just gobbled up effortlessly. Of course, I stayed at a modest 65mph (yeah, right!)

Southern California's Ortega Highway is one of the best road but like many other fun playgrounds, it is shared by all kinds of other traffic. Just as the fun curves began, I glimpsed a cement truck in the distance. The SUV between us couldn't get past, and there was no safe way for me to pass them both. Ah well...... but then Mr Cement Truck used a turn out. Yes folks, it actually happened. A slow moving vehicle used a turn out.

From then onwards, the road was mine. Mr SUV took off in a hurry, using both sides of the road through the turns. How kind of him to clear my path! I set my own pace - not too fast nor too slow. My apexes were delayed. My throttle was smooth. My braking was minimal (until I had to ride at Ford Taurus speed for a while).

The sun broke through the clouds and lit the autumn leaves to perfection. The trees offered a rainbow of festive, fall hues as they waved in the gentle breeze. Everything was perfect!

I stopped for coffee in the town at the bottom of the hill, then rode all the way back again. Same thing with a large truck - I thought my destiny was to follow him for 40 miles but he pulled over to let me and my trailing posse of SUV's pass. The SUV caboose was easily detached as I flew through the curves. The road was mine, except for the R1 who passed me at warp speed.

All too soon, the curves got gentler, then straight roads appeared. Should I go back and do it again? Plenty of gas in the tank for another 80 miles. Conscience took over, and I headed home, consoled by the beauty of the Pacific Ocean.

Instead of the freeway, I took Pacific Coast Highway and soaked up the awe-inspiring beauty of sun glinting off the ocean.

And people ask why we ride! May you all be blessed with the joy of an exhilarating ride and a safe return home afterwards.


Thats funny i just got back from doing the exact same thing.

I left Torrance this morning at 9.15 and headed south down the 405 then the 73 (toll road) onto the 5 for a few miles and off at Ortega. Rode across to lake Elsinore and then turned round and headed back home.

I didn't see another FJR all morning.

let me know if you want company next time you feel the need to go riding.


And thus begins the 'Hey look! I'm riding in Januaray and it's 75 and sunny!' threads/comments.

Cool! Can't wait to watch all you snowbound riders wank! :haha:

Uh, radman, my friend, all you need to do is hop on a plane to Santa Babs and I'll have a bike waiting for you. 'Course, it may no be a Feej... ;)

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I may do the Ortega ride (starting from my home in Long Beach) tomorrow (Saturday). Typically shoot east on 22 freeway, north a bit on the 57 to Katella (east) from where I cut through Santiago Canyon (Cook's Corner) then down Marguerite Pkwy to the (east) twisties of Ortega Highway

I'm open to riding with any of y'all fine forum folk. Email: gorovers @ (remove spaces to email...PM me for phone #.)

Good for your Silver Penguin! :D . Glad to hear, after all ya'll been through.. you still enjoy the ride.

Uh, radman, my friend, all you need to do is hop on a plane to Santa Babs and I'll have a bike waiting for you. 'Course, it may no be a Feej... ;)
Thats a damn nice offer, and if the opportunity arises, one I will most definitely take you up on. :D

Although the forcast for Thanksgiving week is actually suppose to be nice. If 50-55 is nice to you. After the 20-30 degree days we've had the last couple days, I'll take it.

Nice right up by the way Jill


Silver Penguin,

Thanks for the post, it brings back great memories!

I was going to add for those not local to the area that they should check with the CA DOT for road closure schedules.

I don't know how many times I have pulled up to the entrance of Ortega highway to be greeted by the CHP with a road closure until x:xx hours. To my surprise, when I went to the DOT site a few minutes ago it said no closures or limitations in effect for Ortega highway, can it be?? is it true??

If it is, Great :angry2: , as soon as I move away they open up one of the best roads.

Oh well...

Thanks again for the virtual ride down Ortega highway!

And thus begins the 'Hey look! I'm riding in Januaray and it's 75 and sunny!' threads/comments.

Cool! Can't wait to watch all you snowbound riders wank! :haha:

Uh, radman, my friend, all you need to do is hop on a plane to Santa Babs and I'll have a bike waiting for you. 'Course, it may no be a Feej... ;)
Yah, I got an extra for you too Rad...

Nice story Penguin...indeed, why do we ride? Stuff just like this.

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LMAO, Blow me from cold ass Utah (kidding dude)

I will ride tomarrow, Oh, Yes, AS SOON AS THE ICE MELTS :clapping:

Silver...... That was sweet, Shoulda turned around tho and done it again. I was just gettin into the story. (I have!! Been accused of excessive behavior tho)

Was thinking bout headed to Cali for thanksgiving. But not to happen, got peeps to see and bird to eat, and beers to drink.... Alas, Mebbe Xmas?? Hmmmmmmmmm

Okay, I'm starting to believe this Global Warming bullshit... It's November Fucking Eighteenth and we're at 86 right now, headed toward 90! :blink:

Better break out my fashionable shorts and flip-flops for tomorrow's ride.

Cold or no I still ride if its dry....I wont play with the chance of ice. Besides the feege makes more ponies at or below 40.

As I was eastbound on the Ortega Highway twisties today around 12:30 I saw a newish Cerulean Silver FJR (was on my blue '06, with blue/white riding leathers and silver helmet) coming the opposite way (from the direction of the Lake Elsinore Lookout Point). We both waved the standard biker no-cops-ahead wave, then each noticed each others' FJRs, and both did 180 degree double-takes. But at a closing speed of 120mph (60mph x2), we were both out of sight in seconds. If that was anyone here: "Hi!" :bye:

God bless Southern California
:cold: :****:

nuff said

I read the above post at work, where the smileys don't show up. In two words, it told what Fairlaner does when the weather gets chilly. I'm curious to know if he continues to do this when it's warm - or is it just a winter time activity?

Perhaps he rides his bike when it's warm then engages in copulation during the cooler months. I wasn't aware that this was an either-or proposition. Guess I've been lucky to be blessed with both pleasures, during all seasons of the year. :D

