How many dates w/ FJR Ride?

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Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
Woodbridge, NJ
Or a ride on your FJR and then a date?

(This is a relevant question only if you have had at least 3+ different bikes!)

Those of you who have had dates (as it relates to the bike) know what I am asking.

Moderators: If this is inappropriate, let me know.

If I understand your question, I used to take dates out on my bike back when I was single. That was long before the FJR existed. I have three daughters. I would not object to any of them being taken out on a bike after I knew the guy and the kind of rider he is. That has not happened yet.

If I understand your question, I used to take dates out on my bike back when I was single. That was long before the FJR existed. I have three daughters. I would not object to any of them being taken out on a bike after I knew the guy and the kind of rider he is. That has not happened yet.
:blink: As "Geezer" states and I am going along that line, I guess you are asking about taking dates out on a motorcycle ride?

I did that plenty when I was in college and had a great time taking female friends out with me on dates or for rides out in the country, but that was over thirty years ago, most of us that can afford toys like these are more mature (read older?) individuals who are married with children or if we are single less likely to utilize that vehicle as a date many mature considerations...i.e. home owner, property owner, can you afford the medical bills if there is an accident, can you afford the resultant lawsuit from your date if there is an accident/injury.

We're not out to impress anyone anymore, we are out to enjoy the ride! Is that a difference between us and young crotch rocket and shiny chrome, loud pipe Hardley owners? :unsure: :blink:

Or a ride on your FJR and then a date?(This is a relevant question only if you have had at least 3+ different bikes!)

Those of you who have had dates (as it relates to the bike) know what I am asking.

Moderators: If this is inappropriate, let me know.
My new female friend loves the FJR. We've ridden the bike on dates several times. Plus, she first rode with me on a Vulcan 1600 but prefers the FJR. Our bike dates have included going to "Bike Night" events, or just doing a 100 mile +/- ride in the country side then getting some dinner.

Will probably plan a trip over to Deals Gap or somewhere in the Arkansas mountains in the fall. Yeah, women and bikes, what a great combination!


Well, since I'm not as young as I used to be, but I'm single and can speak for the "assumed" topic of discussion:

I don't use the FJR as a pick-up prop or as a frivilous mode of transport for a date. I only take someone on the FJR after I get to know them. I think it helps with the trust issues that a passenger must face as well as being a special "treat" for someone that I have a legitamite interest in. B)

Damn, I don't even sound like I'm tewnty-something anymore! :dribble:

What the Hell is with that Avitar - GAY - Bring Barney Back damit !!

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Yo, dun be talkin' smack 'bout mah blingin' avi, less yo willin' to haf a up close 'n personal meetin' wif mah righ han and yo nose! Dem rings be crusted in diamonds, Jack, 'n deys claimed many a toofs, too!


Yo, dun be talkin' smack 'bout mah blingin' avi, less yo willin' to haf a up close 'n personal meetin' wif mah righ han and yo nose! Dem rings be crusted in diamonds, Jack, 'n deys claimed many a toofs, too!
Dont you mean Pimpin Johns since WF05 ?? :assassin:

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Yo, dun be talkin' smack 'bout mah blingin' avi, less yo willin' to haf a up close 'n personal meetin' wif mah righ han and yo nose! Dem rings be crusted in diamonds, Jack, 'n deys claimed many a toofs, too!

Dont you mean FAILING TO Pimp Johns since WF05 ?? :assassin:

Fixed it for you. :p :p :p :p :p :p

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All these complaints about TWN's new look, what about about Rad's avitar? Now that is creepy - you guys worry me :blink:

Um, 'dating' while in motion could be dangerous
Be hard to see around your date at any rate. Got any pics of this dating thing? :D
