How many FJRs do you see on an average day?

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Saw my first FJR while commuting in traffic today. Hwy 520 Westbound about 40th (Bellevue area) about 3:15PM in the cruising lane. The Cherry Red year, rider had a Silver 3/4 length jacket on. I was in my Majestic Blue '08 Altima 2.5 S as I managed to fracture a vertebrae several weeks ago and riding is out of the question. Driving should be out but I am a contractor ( IT Field Tech ) and unless I am in the office I don't get paid. Sucks but that is the way it is. Seattle sunshine today anyway most of the day with heavier showers just to make it interesting. I should be back in riding shape in a couple more weeks - I hope - and by then the weather should be getting pretty nice.

Well, funny thing is. My buddy let me test drive his and i fell in love with it. Month later I bought mine. Other than his and mine, I've never come across another in town.

Tire changing party at my place this morning...three five for sure!
And thanks for that by the way.

I usually see two 13's every day parked around work. I'd have to take the day off to check each of the lots to really give a good count at my site.

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Just riding around town and on trips for the last two years - never seen another one unless I'm at the Yammy Dealership. Saw more than a few at the big Progressive Bike Show in Dallas last year. That was cool.

As much as I researched them before buying one, it was easy for me to believe they were common. Such is not the case here. I see more RT's than I do FJR's. I'm in North Georgia.

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Seen two yesterday, so I went riding with them for about 4 hours.

(local FJR riders meet and ride on regular bases)

I am on the road a lot, mainly two lanes and some freeways in SE Arizona (rural hospice). I see 2-4 FJRs a month. I see many tour groups through the winter, most on Harleys or BMWs. Overall number one bike by far is the HD, probably followed by Gold Wings, a variety of Jap crisers and Victories....Usually see Spyder's everyday....and a Slingshot weekly. I see as many FJRs as Concours and once in a while a Duck...

While not really a bike, those Slingshots are ultra cool.
I pulled into work today on my bike and parked next to a brand spanking new Ducati Monster. Looks like he rode it to work from the dealership.

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I prolly see Harleys the most 'round these parts, then GSs. Butt Sunday I went ta ride w/ a feller on a 2014; Man theyz beautiful out in the wild! Then we ran into BigDog on his '08, and as we wuz talk'in, a '05 went by. Then I saw another black one on the road. Dun seen 5 or 6 in one day!

2 on April 1st. one in the morning about 7-8am on 485, silver fjr. One in the afternoon 5ish off providence rd in waxaw, blue fjr.
