How Much Memory For Garmin 2610

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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2005
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I was able to load the entire state of Florida on the supplied 128mb CF card that came with the Garmin 2610. Before I go out and buy a larger card ..... how much do I need. Will the entire USA fit on a 1 gig card? My local OfficeMax store has Toshiba 1 gig cards on sale for $59 after rebate. The 2 gig card is $149.

I don't see myself ever driving cross country in my car or on my bike, but if I can fit the entire east coast and about half way through the US to the west, that would be as far as I ever need to see.

I have a 2 gig card and it fits every north american map, and all the extra data included with the maps, and has memory to spare. For me it was worth the extra money to get the extra memory and never have to mess with loading a map again (until the next version). You can find a 2 gig card on the web for about $105 with no rebate necessary. IMHO - this is the way to go.


I have the 1 gig card and it holds alot but not the entire usa. I think it is good for anything but the IBR. If you go to your mapsource software and highlite the maps you want to load look to the lower left cornerit showsthe amount of memory required so you can go to that to get an idea of what you require.

Doh!!! Yeah, I could have easily calculated it myself .... sorry ya'll.


The information I can provide is from Garmin's web site FAQ at:

Q. What is the largest CF card or microdrive the StreetPilot 2610 will accept? Will I be able to download the entire volume of North American City Navigator v5 onto this data card?

A. Using a compatible 2 GB CF card, you may download the entire volume of North American City Navigator (1050 maps at almost 1.5 GB). The StreetPilot 2610/2650 is compatible with the IBM/Hitachi microdrive 1 GB card. However, the StreetPilot 2610/2650 is not compatible with MagicStore microdrives or the Hitachi 2 GB and 4 GB microdrives.

From the answer above, I can savely say you will probably be able to load at least half of U.S.A. into a 1GB CF card or the complete U.S.A. into a 2GB CF card. As you can tell above that City Navigator v5 is almost 1.5GB so v6 or v7 should be more than that.
