How much safety do you really give up with a Modular

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2009
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Jersey City, NJ
I have been considering a modular for a while now, I know I've always said that I'm strictly full face, but the more I ride, the more I think a Flip would be very convenient.

What do you all think, I know a modular is not as safe as a full face, but the question is HOW much of a trade is it really?

Wondered same thing Mcgyver74;

Been reading and reading about helmet's; go for comfort; go for construction.

It's like anything else. It doesn't matter until you need it. You have to wonder how many uncomfortable and inconvenient days you are willing to endure waiting for that 'holy crap day!'.

I was set on a particular helmet till Toecutter posted some great articles, now I have been basing my shopping search solely based on that article. This is the time we should worry and pester ourselves

about hindsight, because after the 'holy crap day'; It's too late. You just play the odds.

Some have said, that the Racer's don't wear modular helmets. That's true, but I don't do much racing on my FJR @ 130mph.

Some say the wind is too much on the modulars. That's true, but I wear earbuds mostly.

Some say the modular may pop open during a crash, probably true too. But when the 'holy crap day' comes, you may need that modular to open for people to gain access to you and speak to you, whereas with a full face they may try to take it off and cause more damage. a bit better than the face shield access.

It gets darn confusing, and you don't want to make the wrong choice; because you want to be the wise one; don't want to be a testimony on the forum for what not to do or use.

I was just happy that they said a $100.00 helmet was just as good or better than a $600.00 helmet when it came to bare bone protection.

When you think more on it though; the safest drivers are usually the ones that stresses and ponders most about the safest equipment; it almost becomes a oxymoron of a decision.

Now that it is colder in H-Town, Tx, I am leaning toward an full face w/a sun shield, that is only dot/ECER22-05 approved only and-not snell approved.

It'll be the best helmet in the world, as soon as I wear it.

Good luck.

I have been looking at modulars with the same "hopes" lately... I have come to the PERSONAL conclusion that I would NOT wear one of these - the safety of the latching mechanisms is questionable at best. I have been able to pull most apart with my bare hands. And it is one thing to flex these with your hands, where they may SEEM durable. But it is another thing to impact a fixed object at speed.

Again, PERSONALLY, a helmet is not something you goof around with. Despite whether you want to believe or like SNELL or not, they are a non-profit business who has made efforts to improve helmet safety. Just because their tests are restrictive in a certain manner does not necessarily mean their standards and test results are worthless. There is a reason they have eschewed modular helmets, and until I hear otherwise, I am PERSONALLY staying away. I think the ECE ratings give us hope, but again, the jury is out for me.


A couple of years ago my wife and I had an accident. Both of our helmets were trashed. She had a Nolan flip front it did really well,stayed latched,no issues at all. I had a Shoei X11 that was completely hammered. That helmet saved my life according to the doctor at the ER. I wear a Multi-Tech Shoei now that is much better built than the Nolan my wife had. I feel safe in it as well. It has a steel locking mechanism and sounds a lot more solid than the Nolan did. I guess it would depend on the exact accident situation and point of impact,as to which type of helmet was safer.

Thanks guys,

It's always such a decision to figure out what our personal levels of acceptable risk tolerance are, I am hoping to get more ifno so I can make a better informed decision, if I did this I probably would go with either the Symax or Multitec helmets...

I think you should consider this system.


Better safe than sorry.

I will always were a modular or flip up helmet...the comfort and convenience is just too much to ignore.

However, I'm a fan of the Cal Sci folks and owners who put out lots of info about our sport in their deep curiousity and fact/experience finding habits about all kinds of issues that interest/affect us and our motorcycling.

Now I do realize, helmets evolve over time and should be getting better and better with mods to fix past concern.

This article is from 2004.


another article:

I Googled "flip up helmet safety" and "modular helmet safety" ... there's lotsa stuff out there

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'

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...Or you get hit right on the hinge.
As the design of 'flip-up' helmets overlaps the parts, I don't see this as an issue. May very well be a strong point on the helmet. :unsure:

...Some have said, that the Racer's don't wear modular helmets. That's true, but I don't do much racing on my FJR @ 130mph.


I was just happy that they said a $100.00 helmet was just as good or better than a $600.00 helmet when it came to bare bone protection.

Racers generally don't wear their helmet continuously for the duration a tourer may or have need for the 'flip-up' functionality (IMHO.)

I don't dispute that SNELL approved helmets meet a higher level of testing, that is fact. Whether this higher standard makes a real difference is questionable. It may be reassuring to know that if you are ever in a serious enough accident to require the extra protection the higher standard provides, then at least your head will be presentable for an open casket funeral. :rolleyes:

...I have been able to pull most apart with my bare hands. ... it is another thing to impact a fixed object at speed....
I have a hard time envisioning an impact that will transmit a PULLing force on the helmet! :dribble:

All this said, I wear a relatively cheap flip-up and am looking at the Symax II helmet for next season (or maybe a Symax III come spring :unsure: .)

Here is a quote from comments on the Symax II:

From "J.T." (6/09): "I had this helmet for a little over a year when I had an accident. I went down at close to 70 mph on the freeway. I skidded face down for a while before eventually tumbling to a stop.

The helmet performed perfectly as I received no damage to my head. The face shield looked like someone took a 40 grit belt sander to it and lots of the paint is worn away but the shell remains un-cracked. My point is that I don't think you will take a much harder hit under any normal crash scenario and the helmet held up very well.

One concern with flip-ups is that they may unintentionally open in a crash. Another voiced here is that the face shield may be a little thin. This is now absolutely not a concern for me. I will be buying another to replace the one that so valiantly sacrificed itself so that I could be here to write this report."

I don't have a problem with them, they meet DOT ( granted a minimum) , and I have seen photos of them post impact and they have held up, but that is just anecdotal . It would be very difficult to quantify risk as the latch mechanism varies, impact location speed angle of impact etc. . I would be comfortable with a modular from most of the reputable helmet producers.

Personal choice only - I've been riding for many years and have owned and ridden the various HJC Symax versions for about the last 15 years for both my bikes and sleds. I have had fairly severe impacts off a snowmobile and have not seen failure of the latching mechanism, but there is an accident scenario out there certainly which would cause it to fail...

A good tradeoff for me personally of safety, comfort and access - YMMV.

I always wear earplugs so noise is not an issue for me, but it is for many who choose not to wear earpugs - What???

Noise is not a concern for me too as I use my Ipod pretty much nonstop on the bike (Music is my drug of choice and I like it to excess "aka Loud" :) ) and on the rare occasions I don't use the pod, I do wear earplugs...

My concern was the chances of it opening in a crash, My mug isn't much to look at as is, I would hate to do worse damage :)

but I'm seriously considering Symax....Just for the convience :)

I went by Cyclegear the other day. I wear a Shark RSI right now. Pretty happy with it but will eventually get a new helmet and have been intrigued by the modular.

The new Shark modular is interesting but I also looked at new Shoei full face and it feels very safe.

I'm a firm believer in a full face as my Bell took a very good scrape when I was 16 and knowing that would have been my face was a real eye opener for me and I've never looked back. :)

Still undecided but if I had to guess, I bet I'll stay with the one-piece.

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