Hydration bladder

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
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Blaine, MN
Just got the hydration bladder for my rapid transit tank bag. Nothing came with it as far as instructions. On the bladder itself it says no juices, or alcohol. There goes my idea of sipping bourbon on my long rides. :jester: Just kidding. I'm guessing the reasoning is because it's hard to wash, and, or could eat at the lining?

Has anyone put gatorade, iced tea, or anything but water in it. :help:

The first time that I used my Skyway Hydration system, I put Gatorade in it. It stained all of the fittings... & then I got teased about finding me dead somewhere due to the bacteria that it grows killing me. I've been told by a biology teacher that sugar eventually grows bacteria & it is close to impossible to get all of the fittings clean. After cleaning my hydation system with bleach & boiling water, I've never put anything in it but water.

Ditto on what Heidi said. "Stuff" will grow that you don't want to grow. You can clean these things with a weak bleach solution.

Yeah, I kinda figured, but I thought I'd ask. So water it is! I'll have to stop to get my sugar/caffeine fixes. :hyper:

Water.... with the occasional sugar free electrolyte replacement pack IF I was spending all day in the summer heat of the desert southwest. Hyponatremia can be just as dangerous as dehydration.

I only use water in my bladders. Liquids like juice can leave a taste in the plastic that will be noticeable when you have plain water in it.

And a little tip for storage: empty it and put it in the freezer when not in use. Even with just water in them, they will get slimy if not stored completely dry. But in the freezer you don't have to worry about drying it first. I've been doing this for many years with my bladders to avoid bacteria growth (I use bladders a lot for hiking, hunting and running). Just take it out of the freezer shortly before using it to allow it to thaw.

water is still your best choice. i learned that during the hottest of rides (110° or so) that doing 1 fill up with a 50/50 mix of gatoraid and water was more than enough "extras" for what was expended. i do 1 50/50 mix every 3rd refill. all the rest of the time it's water. the electrolytes thing is really over hyped for most routine situations[1].

[1] see the movie "Idiocracy" for an example of the need for electrolytes taken to the extreme.

I fill my camelbak with ice, then cover the ice with blue Gatorade. The pale blue color matches the natural color of the rubber and plastic pieces, so the stain doesn't show much. I like the flavor and feel more inclined to drink as I should, if the flavor entices me.

I also carry a thermos with me filled with ice & Gatorade besides the hydration system full of ice & water. As I drink the cold gatorade, I refill it from a gatorade bottle.

If I do not hydrate enough, I get horrible cramps... so, I try to drink a lot.

I completely fill my hydration system with Ice, and then top off with Lemonade. The mixture seams to stay diluted enough that I have never had a problem. Probably not as good for me as Gatorade would be, but it had just become a staple of my longer rides, and it is a mental boost for me as much as a physical one.

For the Colorado SS1K I used Gatorade G2 and water mixed. I rinsed the bladder when we got home and stuck it in the freezer.

DO NOT put the red gatorade in it. I did and didn't get the cap on tight and when I put it on my back the juice spilled out and stained anything white on my riding pants a nice pink color.

I quit adding anything other than water after the mildew started to show up.

My next Camelback I bought had the wide mouth. Then, at lunch stops, I ask for a second jug of icewater and refill the bladder.

And a little tip for storage: empty it and put it in the freezer when not in use. Even with just water in them, they will get slimy if not stored completely dry. But in the freezer you don't have to worry about drying it first. I've been doing this for many years with my bladders to avoid bacteria growth (I use bladders a lot for hiking, hunting and running). Just take it out of the freezer shortly before using it to allow it to thaw.

I have been using these things for years but never thought about putting it in the freezer, It makes sense. Cause you can never get them completly dry! I often wondered about what was growing in there when I wasn't using it??

I have always put water and ice in them but recently starting mixing in Propel flavored water, it makes it a little to easier to drink. i have not had any promblem with staining.

Water, Ice, 4 ground up Ibuprofen. Get a dose of Ibu with each sip. Helps old bodies on the CBA rides.. :unsure:

I can tell you what I put in my bladder with I do a Mt Whitney round trip in ten hours (Summited five times in the last six attempts, 22 miles, 6000 ft vertical stopping at 14497 ft above). I use a high quality sports drink mix from a sporting goods store. I put in twice water as recommended and keep extra packet for the refills. I am in the near half century mark for my age. As for cleaning a baking soda wash works great and take the bladder apart. Camelback has a hanger the keeps the sides seperated for drying. I hope this keeps.
