I gotta quit surfing and drinking

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Who said FJR's don't do dirt?
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
Every time I drink and surf, funny things arrive at my door. It seems that this time its a Harbor Freight tire changer and MC attatchment and a Marc Parnes wheel ballancer and weights. :blink: I vaguely remember an eMail for a Mojo lever too :dribble:

Should be interesting, and cheaper in the long run B)

I never drink while surfing, but somehow....

Let's see, this week, some pants, some shoes, a speaker for the iPod....

Not drinking gives me more funds to shop with.

Already got the changer stuff last month, now if I can just assemble it all and actually change the tire.

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Just don't drink while loading bullets.

If the old lady is drinking, you always could get a new bike and say it was her idea.


Good for you!

At the rate these Feejers eat up tires it won't take long to get your money back and save some.

I just went with the spoons, rim protectors, and balancer. Very low cost and I get my exercise at the same time further saving on a gym membership. :D

There is something to your little "issue," I have to agree. I've gone from working 50+ hours a week to sitting in front of the home computer A LOT as I recover from my back surgery and I am spending a hell of a lot of money as a result. When I finally get back to my life and get some riding in, the good news is that my I-Tunes library will probably have doubled!

Silent, little post hijack here, just did a run down the coast to LA. Seemed like every time I rounded a corner, I saw another one of the site you took pics of on your trip north.
There's just a massive ammount of "Americana" out there to be seen, that's for sure! Clicky I hope you had as much fun on your trip as I had on mine B)

There is something to your little "issue," I have to agree. I've gone from working 50+ hours a week to sitting in front of the home computer A LOT as I recover from my back surgery and I am spending a hell of a lot of money as a result. When I finally get back to my life and get some riding in, the good news is that my I-Tunes library will probably have doubled!
Ouch! I hope your back on your feet soon! I can feel your pain about the computer time too :p

Hay Toecutter, got a line on tire goo by chance? :D

I just reccently got a Mojo Lever and let me tell you its definitely easier than spooning a tire on! It took me about half the time it normally would to change a tire, and I didn't need to sucker anyone into helping me.

Not yet, but do share if you find some cheap!
Best I've found so far: Napa carries a product called "Tire Mounting Lubricant" for about $7 a gallon. A generic version of RU-Glide at 1/2 the price. Or so I've heard.

w00 h00! My Motorcycle attatchment came in today! That and the actual tire changer bit that came in yesterday, and and the balancer that came in last week. I'm almost set to change my own tires :D

Now when's that darn Mojo lever gonna be avalable?? :p
