I thought I was having migranes last June. Shooting pain so bad I could see it! But it just turned out to be bacterial meningitis, so no migranes for me.
Ahh, the easy way out, a round of antibiotics, a 15% chance of dying, the possibility of permanent damage, and then just like that you are better. Migraines tend to be for life. Just kidding, meningitis is serious stuff and the victim needs to get medical attention ASAP for a good outcome. Any unusual and severe headache should be looked at by a doctor.
Migraines are a pattern condition often with a known trigger, if your headaches don't follow a pattern or have a trigger they are most likely something else. Sometimes it can be a simple sinus condition, tension, tooth problem or just a bad headache, but if it is debilitating pain seek medical help! In my early teens I was diagnosed as having aural migraine headaches and at the time there wasn't much they could do for the pain, I was asked to try to identify triggers, retire to a dark room and try cold compresses.