I like to dig the dirt and travel trails too

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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2006
Reaction score
Middle, TN
Not much to write home about for the first little bit on the gravel service road but things pick up when they hit the trail.

Spice this ride up with a few decent hill-climbs, a little air-time here and there, and some opportunity to build some R’s once in a while and I’d give it two thumbs up! :thumbsupsmiley:

Google link: https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=76...;q=enduro&p

They wouldn’t have to invite me twice! :yahoo:

Not much to write home about for the first little bit on the gravel service road but things pick up when they hit the trail.
Spice this ride up with a few decent hill-climbs, a little air-time here and there, and some opportunity to build some R’s once in a while and I’d give it two thumbs up! :thumbsupsmiley:

Google link: https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=76...;q=enduro&p

They wouldn’t have to invite me twice! :yahoo:
Awsome! where was this?

Don’t know evil, sorry. :sorry: Posted the link here knowing a few of us FJR folks liked the dirt-bike scene. Gimme a holler if ya ever get to TN. I know where there is a rough trail. At some places painstakingly slow and somewhat punishing, but an interesting ride nevertheless.

Very nice, I was waiting for someone to hit bar on right side of rocks and fall to left down the hill... I know i would have myself..Nice riding guys


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Very nice, I was waiting for someone to hit bar on right side of rocks and fall to left down the hill... I know i would have myself..Nice riding guysJDog
+1 A mistake in the narrows would ahve made for some interesting roll over shots.

Cool. Reminded me of the old Enduro days on my 450 WR Husky. Come to think of it, the 4 stroke engine still doesn't sound right to me on a dirt bike.......if it isn't going ring a ding ding, it ain't dirt!

Great single track stuff! Thanks for sharing

Great single trackand pretty county.

Only one problem everyone crossed over the double solid line on that single track cant have that.

That was perfect conditions and verygood riding +1 for helmet cam rider :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

C'mon, you guys couldn't find a more technically challenging trail than that?

Not exactly the ride you would want to be doing if you have vertigo. Did everyone come back in one piece. Awesome video, I really enjoyed that....good job, keep them coming.
