I'd rather walk...

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Come on.....where's you sense of adventure? (or death or big hospital bills?)Can I go change my underwear now?

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So when you get to a point and realize, "No, just can't do it," what do you do then? Foot-walk the bike backwards? Dismount and throw it off the mountain and walk out?

It's that Bolivian death road on a moto scale.

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I wondered what happened to those two. My FJR with a car tire left them in the dust. Sheeeesh! :lol:

I wondered what happened to those two. My FJR with a car tire left them in the dust. Sheeeesh! :lol:
as you went over the edge. :p If you were wondering the acceleration of your FJR at that point would be 9.8 meters / sec2 (32 ft / sec2 for the metrically challenged)
