If your bike leans one way, try the BeemerDonS fix!

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Panama Canal Crosser
Mar 13, 2012
Reaction score
Finger Lakes, NY
Some say you need to counter the weight of our heavy drive line, Yami did (I think) with the offset of the battery etc., BUT!, what if your bike still pulls one way or another (like when you are on cruise w no hands).... hmmm!?

Well, here's Don's SOLUTION!

It just may be because your pillion is top heavy to one side. Don has a fix for this! (he's a very smart feller ya know!)

Dons past pillion squeeze, sum in a bitch, if his bike didn't always steer to the right, so he ditched her (rather than going into the right ditch himself)













He's now got a woman with prefect center of balance. Problem solved.


Yep, Don's bike runs straight as an arrow now, not to mention he has additional fun bags to play with

Smart, very smart
and I think he stays at a lot of Holiday Inn Express'

Not 'nuff said, but rather 'nuff seen scene!


Happy Easter Weekend everybody!


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I think BeemerDons likes em a little more Ethnic.... like this young lady...

(AND.. shes got her own money....cause shes a movie star)



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