Iggy's Occasional NAFO Report

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Intramural Culture Warrior
Staff member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
It's Wednesday night, 10 p.m. (MDT), and the few early folks have retired to the bar.

I think Ari Rankum gets the Microsleep award for running at FJR nominal speeds from Maryland straight here....in an amount of time that makes even me the LD guy blush and would even raise the eyebrow of FJR max guru SkooterG.

Packets are stuffed including the yet-unknown-design t-shirts. The reflective sticker I commissioned Alex Johnson to make look seriously cool.

I can Duff and his SO by the pool table gesticulating grandly, FJRChik is holding court in the corner, and Fairlaner is spending equal time fisting a pounder and his cell phone. I haven't digested all the details, but his house was broken while he was gone and he's dealing long distance with the fallout of a trashed house.

The others.......all the staff except me are in their rooms. I'm headed there myself in just a few minutes.

Warchild is fast asleep I'm sure after making good time from Washington.... is getting his uglybeauty sleep to be ready for tomorrow. I saw Toe earlier...guessing he's zoned.

TWN is wandering the social scene being a credit to his rallymaster profession. ;)

I signed a witness form for TriggerT that got a Bun Burner Gold and twistedcricket.

The hotel also has a gaggle of civilians including a couple of cute soccer mom/cougars in the corner. One has cubs with them....so they seem to remain unmolested. Hyundai corporate people are here too until tomorrow I believe.....a bunch of their cars in the back parking lot.

What's clear is that tomorrow starting at 8 a.m.......there will be about 250 more people descending on this place through the day to have a great weekend.

Last plug for the event....if anybody wants to rally last minute to Golden....send me a PM and we might be able to accommodate. There are some additional hotel rooms I know and I know one person I talked to earlier this evening that's rallying out from AZ.

Signing off from the Night Before NAFO 1. It's gonna rock! And expect more stories and pictures to follow.


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I passed through Golden mid-afternoon yesterday (in the rain) on my way to Morrison, CO where I'm staying w/ family. Tonight I'll be staying at the hotel in Golden with the rest of you losers. I can't wait. Is the beer cold?

Thanks for the update, Iggy.

Thanks for the news Iggy!! Yea and what Fairlaner said.. your there!!! "quick as a brick".. that is what makes him special!!

Keep the info coming... and where are the floaty pics.... :hyper: :alcoholic: :lol:

There are about 15 of us from the PNW (+ one tag along named Don Carver) holed up in Steamboat Springs, sleeping in, contemplating when to leave for the long 2.5 hour ride to Golden....okay, now!

See you in a few minutes...

People are starting to roll in. 52 have checked in and more on the way.

From the unfortunate-rock-in-the-road department we have a report that BKR CHK split her oil pan in Steamboat Springs. A rock in the road was not king. Ruined rear tire and while she is 1/2 way here with a U-haul and the bike.....Taff came ahead and found Warchild and Fairlainer to ask for advice about parts.

As luck would have it, one of our local sponsors, Colorado Powersports was up to the challenge and found an oil pan, and is having it overnighted. There's a fair chance she can get it fixed tomorrow! That is amazing...they could do an oilpan in one day.

...if not...we'll be looking at JB Weld and a parking lot issue.

I guess you can't have a NAFO without breaking a few parts and a high-side here and there. :blink:

Great news! I'd say if you're gonna break something on your FJR in Colorado, then now is the time to do it ..... being that the world's foremost FJR brain-trust is holding court there this week! ;)

... That is amazing...they could do an oilpan in one day.
...if not...we'll be looking at JB Weld and a parking lot issue.
If that doesn't pan out :) , I bet there's a spare Hyundai oil pan lying around somewhere. JB Weld, a file, beer, amazing results.

Already sorry I could not make this one. Had a blast with everyone last summer. I hope nobody wins my award this year.

Iggy & Warchild: I just received a text message from Greg Marbach here in my office in Phoenix that he has been involved in an accident in Leadville, Colorado. I sent a quick e-mail to Art Montoya in case he has your cell phone numbers with him.

I called Greg immediately, but our phone connection reception was terrible! He is only bruised up badly, but FJR is history.

Perhaps you will have better communication from Golden. If we Zonies need to haul his Feejer back to Scottsdale, I'll start a rescue effort here to score a bike trailer. Just let me know what you discover!

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I got a trailer waiting.... so we'll be able to tow that pile of crap back....

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Message received on Skooter. Fairlainer is calling him now and we're crossing our fingers to work things out. Thanks for the update.

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Great tentative news on Chik's pending oil pan repair. But JEBUS, you guys with the crashing! Glad you're only bruised, but doing that far from home sucks. I can't believe that Skooter was that hard up for free drinks through the weekend that he decided to go for the insurance money and join the dog pilees! Good luck to the crashers and PLEASE STOP IT ALL OF YOU! There is NO PERMISSION for crashing!

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Dude, them downs ain't right.

Maybe being NAFO, Yammi will make some sweet deals on replacement rides.

Maybe have a raffle for the crash club members.

OK, so enough with this crashing stuff! I can't even leave Berkeley until tomorrow evening (Fri). At this rate there won't be anyone to say hello-goodbye to buy the time I get there.

What is the count, inventory, injury/damage report to date?


Registration for the day has finished. 185 checked in.

FRJChik has left with the people driving NASCAR and Beeroux is now holding court with his SaddleSore riders' meeting. Seems some people didn't read their packets and trying to pass of things like t-shirts and flags as "towels". He's doing Sesame Street "t-o-w-e-l" language lessons....and got the virgins scared shitless.

dcarver is standing up as we speak and clinching his demise as CBA President.

Several of the towels that are...actually towels.....have great artwork and completely unseemly things written on them.

And myself....well...I just drained the last drops on a bottle of 12 year old Mcallan that Fairlaner donated to the day's cause.....it's gooooood.

...now George is singing a song. "City, state, date. ....Tiiiime....and Voluuuuume." It's got a good beat and easy to rally to. ;)

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