Ignition switch

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
Camden, ME
I am having problems getting the key to turn in the ignition switch when starting the bike. Often when first inserted it will not turn at all, either to the start position or the lock position. After much jiggling and pulling up and down it will work. As long as the key is not removed it will turn off and on easily, but once I take it out and insert it again I have the same problem. Has anyone else had a similiar problem, or does anyone have ant suggestions about how to fix this short of replacing the entire ignition switch?

Is the key bent? You know....they make those out of butter, right? How old is the bike?

Not to insult your intelligence, but are the handlebars turned all the way to the left, or is it right at that spot (where it needs to be past), to go to/from the lock position ?

It sounds like you're having a hard time getting the pins to line up in the cylinders correctly. I would suspect either the key is damaged/bent/worn, or you lock cyclinder is worn excessivly. Also, try marking the keys two edges, and see if one side works better than the other. (stick key in, try, pull out rotate 180 degrees, try again)

Naw...spray some cleaner down there first....let it dry, then go with the graphite.

Naw...spray some cleaner down there first....let it dry, then go with the graphite.
+1 Use graphine rather than oil. Oil will collect dust and other spooge and eventually make things worse. Graphite is a dry lubricant and dirt doesn't stick to it.

Graphite is the correct lube for locks. Howsomever, graphite is also somewhat conductive and you are putting it into a key switch so you may not want to really load it up. Silicon spray doesn't lube quite as well but it isn't conductive and isn't a dirt magnet like oil based lubes. I know a few people have replaced the triple tree, maybe they can let us know if the electrical switch is sealed off from the key part….

Oh, the contact cleaner statement....my bad. If there ain't no hole for the cleaner and dirt to run out of all you are doing is making the dirt go to the bottom.....and then layering graphite on top of it....may not be a good idea.

i've had the same proplem from day one. at my first service my mechanic noticed that the area around the key hole was scratched.

on closer inspection i found that there was clear plastic over the key hole and surrounding area. since the key was in the ignition when i picked it up i know that the key was pushed through this plastic. i suspect that my problem is due to a small bit of plasic in the mechenism.

the problem is still there but the tequnique to make the key turn has become routine.


I may be stating the obvious here, but I'm still gonna say it in the event it is the problem. It took me a few times to realize what I was doing wrong when I picked up my '06 a few weeks back.

When you push that key in, if you push it as far as it will go, it won't turn. You'll bend or break the key if you try too hard. Back off a little and you'll feel a spring inside that recoils a few millimeters. Once that happens, that key will turn just fine.

If your problem is larger than my initial ignorance, good luck. I can't help ya.

Thyanks for all the response. It seems that the key is not springing back up perfectly and the result is that the internal parts do not line up properly withou t much jiggling etc. I will try the graphitre some of you suggested, I already tried the penetrating oil, no luck. But, if the graphite does not work , I wonder if a locksmith could fix this problem?

A locksmith will want to take the lock out rather than try to play with it on the bike. Taking it out is not an easy task. Your bike still under warranty? If yes then maybe you should let Yamaha deal with it before you try too many things and give them an excuse to say it's not covered because of something you did.
