I'm Glad It's Over - Christmas 2015

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
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Creston, CA
Well, I said it.

It was a nice day, Santa was good, KrZy8 is once again running strong and back home, Naomi is ready for serious Long Distance Jewelry, BeemerDon has passed away, I'm on-call at the nuke plant, my freaking knees are killing me but the surgeon says they aren't bad enough yet and tomorrow promises to be a nice day and I'm going riding, taking the on-call football with me. Dinner was nice and I'm warm and dry, not wet and hungry and I have a roof over my head with an expensive bed calling my name and a damn fine woman who somehow loves me. I am fortunate and grateful.

Still, for today, Christmas 2015, goodbye.. I'm glad it's over.

Ride On.


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I hear you. I work in the Post Office (29 Christmas' gone/2 to go) My family gone…

Went for a ride today and before I knew it, I had a few hundred miles behind me. Think I will do it again tomorrow- call it therapy.

My wish for others is to enjoy family and friends and moments (As they fade away too quickly)

and dog gone it Don, meeting up with you in September is on my bucket list.

That pretty well sums it up DC except I'm not on-call until next weekend. Once the frost clears, I'm hoping for at least 100 miles tomorrow!


Well, it has been a hell of a year. We saw some highs and lows here on the forum. We saw some epic Ride Reports, a couple of which I was fortunate to be part of. We saw Epic Rides, and we saw devastating crashes. We saw good things and bad things this year. We saw the release of yet another FJR, and most important of all, we lost one of the most significant members of this forum. The hole left by beemerdons will not be filled, ever.

Carver, I am not glad it is over. I am wishing I could turn back the clock and re-live the good stuff and change the bad stuff. If I could I would go back to July and take the lead on Hwy 141 amd make sure my friend followed me around that curve instead of totaling his bike all alone. I would go to a beach somewhere in Cozumel and talk a friend into another Pina Colada instead of letting him go snorkeling. But, I cannot.

I have to be happy with what blessing I have. I had a fantastic day with the family, I spent way too much money, ate way too much food, and drank way too much of Bourbon County's finest. I am hoping that Mrs. Redfish is going to put on some Christmas stockings and that this Christmas will have a Very Happy Ending.

Good night my friends.

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It's been an unusual Christmas season for me as well. In the past month, mother's health has gone down hill rather quickly and we're worried that the end may be approaching. How do you prepare for this sort of thing? Dad's been gone for 6 years now, and it looks like mother's starting that steady decline that seems to start when people turn 90 or so. It's not looking likely that she'll see another Christmas.

On a different note, I was just rejoicing in getting to see daughter Kelly and 2 1/2 year old granddaughter Savannah after they drove 8 hours from Georgia to be with mother and I for Christmas. What a thrill for me and what a sacrifice for Kelly. A part time Walmart job doesn't fund trips like that very well.

Then a few minutes ago, Kelly, who is back home again, called from Georgia to tell me a good friend of the family died last night. He was JUST HERE Wednesday evening for our big family get together. What a shock. The police are investigating the strange circumstances in which he died. FWIW, his name was Dennis. He seemed to be a little down, so I asked him if he'd like to take a ride with me on the FJR. He said he'd like that and he told me of a 750 Honda he had years ago. We hopped on board and took about a 8 mile cruise. Once he got used to the power, I asked if he was holding up ok, and he said "OH YEAH !!!". I gave the throttle a pretty good twist several times as we were rowing through the gears, but I did keep it close to the speed limit. When we got home, he couldn't stop talking about the FJR. I guess it was the experience of a lifetime for him. Little did either of us know that in 24 hours, he'd be taking trip with the angels. I still can't get over it.

Life never seems to go the way we plan it. This has been a very unusual Christmas for me. But I am thankful just the same: the most important things in life, the things that last forever, are still intact. Guess I'll just do my best to look after mother and try to keep up with all my responsibilities. Christmas 2015 has been really unusual.


darksider #44

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It's been an interesting time for me as well. After many years of enforced bachelorhood, I spent my this Christmas as a married man. Saw it coming but hadn't even reflected upon that fact. My wife and I about killed ourselves getting my house ready for occupancy by my Daughter and her family the past two weeks and I have to spend at least a portion of today helping put items in storage, We will most likely get done before the oncoming monsoon.

Beemerdon's untimely passing had me reflecting about the uncertainty of life and the relatively short period of our individual lifespan and this has only increased my resolve to do more and see more of the things, places that I have had on my "list" before my time here is through

This year, my favorite Christmas memory was kind of special.

We gather at my parents' house every Christmas Eve. Shortly after we arrived, my dad appeared with a bottle in his hand, and waived me over for a private conversation.

(Pop) "I hear you have been drinking scotch lately."

(Pants) "Yeah - I've been trying different brands."

(Pop) "I thought we might try this one tonight. It's kind of special to me."

He handed me the half-consumed bottle. It read Usher's Green Stripe. The price tag read $5.49.

(Pants) "Sure, pour me one."

(Pop) "This is the liquor your grandfather drank. Every day after work, he would pour himself a shot over a couple of ice cubes and sit down with the newspaper."

(Pants) "I didn't know this about grandpa."

(Pop) "This particular bottle is the one he was working on when he died in 1970. He was 50, you know. Just like you are now. You look like your mother's dad, but you act just like my dad."

(Pants) "I've heard that before."

(Pop) "This stuff is 45 years old now. It should be pretty smooth. I sure hope you outlive your grandpa, but we won't know that until we know. So in the meantime, let's raise a glass to our legacy."

(Pants) "Merry Christmas, Pop. I love you."

For me, this was one of the best Christmases ever!

With all of our immediate family over for Christmas dinner, about 13 in all, my first-born son (Sean) surprised Marie and myself with the announcement that him and his wife (Brittany) are expecting their first child! I didn't see this coming, and was a bit shocked. Marie totally freaked!

It set the tone for the rest of the night, and into the morning.

Sean's mother (Irish girl) and I divorced when he was a baby, so I was a every other weekend dad to him. I always felt I missed so much in raising him. I've tried to instill morals, values, and such into him, along with what living life has taught me. I never was certain he was listening to all of this perceived knowledge I was bestowing on him as he was growing up. In particular, one bit of advice I gave him was to not have children until he was at least 28 years old. That he should build a loving foundation between him and his wife first. To enjoy life together, and build memories of just them two. I've never been sure he really listened to that advice....until yesterday.

Sean turned 28 this past October.

I am blessed, and I am thankful for it. JSNS

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Like every year, this one had ups and downs. This is life. Really, I guess if it was always perfect we'd never really appreciate the good stuff. As far as years go, this one was cruising right along until my friend Dan was murdered. Seems like October was cursed. However, again, this is life, and being Dan's friend is related to the life I chose. Honestly, I remember when years would go by and the death of a friend was unheard of. Now, if I make it through a year without someone close to me (us) dying, that's a good year.

My girls are healthy, work is good, my family is all good, and we are enjoying life. We have a LOT to celebrate and be thankful for. My (our) friend Don Stanley passed right before Christmas, which seriously just sucks. I do have to say that my life is better for having known him, which is what makes his death such a large loss.

Christmas this year was good. Kids are happy, and family got together. I actually saw family that I haven't seen in 20 years or more. My cousin lives in France now and was here also. Yesterday I ate Escargot and got a bottle of awesome French wine...on top of everything else. My wife and I pulled Christmas off without using credit or creating any bills, which is a lofty goal sometimes. With all that, I don't know that I have anything to gripe about.

Christmas in Hawaii, Mele Kalikimaka, just not the same.

But, spending 4 weeks with my Son, his wife and new Granddaughter Rose has been great. Enough togetherness, but not too much, sharing a house between five adults and a baby for a month can be a daunting proposition, it has worked out fine.

Losing my Dad at 100, but being able to fulfil his final wish, to be buried with his USS Arizona shipmate's was priceless.

The Black Hills Roundup and getting to put faces on so many names was incredible.

My wonderful wife, Jeanne, who enables me :) , and allows me to come and go on my bike almost at will.

My " Aussie Brother" Brian, who could ask for a better Mate.

Life is PFG!

Like every year, this one had ups and downs. This is life. Really, I guess if it was always perfect we'd never really appreciate the good stuff. As far as years go, this one was cruising right along until my friend Dan was murdered. Seems like October was cursed. However, again, this is life, and being Dan's friend is related to the life I chose. Honestly, I remember when years would go by and the death of a friend was unheard of. Now, if I make it through a year without someone close to me (us) dying, that's a good year.
My girls are healthy, work is good, my family is all good, and we are enjoying life. We have a LOT to celebrate and be thankful for. My (our) friend Don Stanley passed right before Christmas, which seriously just sucks. I do have to say that my life is better for having known him, which is what makes his death such a large loss.

Christmas this year was good. Kids are happy, and family got together. I actually saw family that I haven't seen in 20 years or more. My cousin lives in France now and was here also. Yesterday I ate Escargot and got a bottle of awesome French wine...on top of everything else. My wife and I pulled Christmas off without using credit or creating any bills, which is a lofty goal sometimes. With all that, I don't know that I have anything to gripe about.
Com 'on AJ, there has to be something...like the experience you had with the Harley Place..?

Yes it was a good year, but like most years there are ups an downs. It's the unexpected downs that seem to hurt a lot (like Dons passing) but for me there was a great event as well, after two years...riding for the first time, with my buddy Jack.
Some of you remember the BAD WRECK he had on a ride in AR over two years ago. A car pulled out in front of him which he T-Boned at ~60mph....It was a long hard road for him, but he is back riding again.


Outta likes but I REALLY like this!!!!!

Say hi to Jack for me...met him once on a Hooterville ride I believe.

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Like every year, this one had ups and downs. This is life. Really, I guess if it was always perfect we'd never really appreciate the good stuff. As far as years go, this one was cruising right along until my friend Dan was murdered. Seems like October was cursed. However, again, this is life, and being Dan's friend is related to the life I chose. Honestly, I remember when years would go by and the death of a friend was unheard of. Now, if I make it through a year without someone close to me (us) dying, that's a good year.My girls are healthy, work is good, my family is all good, and we are enjoying life. We have a LOT to celebrate and be thankful for. My (our) friend Don Stanley passed right before Christmas, which seriously just sucks. I do have to say that my life is better for having known him, which is what makes his death such a large loss.

Christmas this year was good. Kids are happy, and family got together. I actually saw family that I haven't seen in 20 years or more. My cousin lives in France now and was here also. Yesterday I ate Escargot and got a bottle of awesome French wine...on top of everything else. My wife and I pulled Christmas off without using credit or creating any bills, which is a lofty goal sometimes. With all that, I don't know that I have anything to gripe about.
Com 'on AJ, there has to be something...like the experience you had with the Harley Place..? :taunt: :lol:
Hahahahaha...That sucked at the time and totally pissed me off. However, HD and it's little clones are such an insignificant part of my life that I simply forgot. Meh...It was part of an adventure, and I got to spend time in the cab of the truck with my hot wife. I can't wait for 2016's adventures. Sharing those with you clowns makes them even better!!

I have been absent for quite a long time due to several serious surgeries I had in2015. Was in 4 hospitals for 4.5 pneumonia and had 3 cardiac arrests while working on my burst thoracic aorta..Fantastic Surgeon team at USC-Keck Hospital pulled me through with Gods help. Additionally, I was infected with pneumonia which took 4 months to recover in a rehab facility. I am hoping to begin riding soon as I feel stable. I miss the folks on this forum and just wanted to renew my attendance.

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Turbodave...... Wow. Glad you were able to fight your way through all your medical problems. Riding should be extra sweet.
