Inflatable Impact Jackets

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lemme start with "I don't have one"

i would fear that technology would cause more tumble instead of sliding on leathers.

Inflated looks like it may make you tumble IMHO, I'll wait for some sponsored track team to use them first.

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Looks like one of those "safety ideas" that will either save you or kill you, depending on what type of accident you have. I'll stick to leathers, thanks...


1) I already look half inflated in a regular jacket :p

2) I can see myself leaving the jacket tied to the bike as I park and get off to stretch and **poof** :dribble: :p

3)Then I have to get my spare jacket out and figure out how to store this big package in the side bag. Not to mention all the extra space used up with the spare jacket I figure I'll need after inflating the thing. :angry:

4) Then I get to ship it to an approved dealer so they can refill the C02....

5)All that and I have the privilege of paying only $500.

I'll pass for now.

Looks like one of those "safety ideas" that will either save you or kill you, depending on what type of accident you have.
So, it's kinda like seatbelts and helmets, is what your saying?

NO, its like sticking a screwdriver in your left ear and hoping you only fall on the right The problem with this device is they call it an "air bag" jacket, when if fact it is not. Airbags inflate quickly, absorb compressing forces by bleeding air out at a contolled rate...this deflation is critical. This jacket inflates, but remains inflated. (you have to listen to their vidieo to learn this)

What this means is if you hit the ground a certain way, you may "bounce" ..the energy of your impact will be simply redirected, not lost. In some cases this can make things much worse. When you "bounce" your outer shell (your body) reverses direction ..your inner parts , (guts, organs) are still moving and in essence, collide with the outer shell, which can be moving back with almost the same engergy. You now have increased the force these inner parts were subjected to. Thus, bouncing is not good, G force wise.

I do like the idea of the neck collar and as I said, it does matter alot exactly what kind of forces or accident you encounter. I can see at low speeds that it might provide some cushion effect, but if you have chambers of air attached to your body that do not bleed out on impact, and they are themselves under pressure, it seems to me you are turning yourself into a rubber ball, and taking the chance of subjecting your body to more stress than you might need to.

This goes along simular lines as the discussion on Snell helmets. My point for each of them is you can not predict exactly what kind of accident you are going to have and what forces, vectors , and speeds will be involved.


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I think we all acknowledge that motorcycling is inherently dangerous however while I do wear appropriate safety equipment and clothing most of the time I do think that one of the greatest feelings that a rider has is that openess and freedom of experiencing nature with little restrictions around you.

If I wanted an "airbag" level of protection then I would drive my cage around instead.


I'd worry that the inflation rate is too slow. Airbags use explosive charges, much faster.

Jackets and vests like these have been around for a while at motorcycle shows for the past couple years.

I do however like the idea of some form of inflatable neck protection. However I too will wait until something like this is used in MotoGP or proven on a track.

Generally the demo/test movies involve a stunt guy hitting a car broad side at 25-30ish MPH and bouncing over the hood. If you did that w/o the jacket you'd pretty much be OK provided you were wearing reasonable gear and left the plastic screws in your windshield ;)

Save your money...

Looks like one of those "safety ideas" that will either save you or kill you, depending on what type of accident you have.
So, it's kinda like seatbelts and helmets, is what your saying?

Sooo...... I'm interested in the version of the story where seatbelts and helmets can kill you..... :D :D

Is this the same bunch of inginears that designed the Mars Rover bag system ;) :D


What this means is if you hit the ground a certain way, you may "bounce" ..the energy of your impact will be simply redirected, not lost. In some cases this can make things much worse. When you "bounce" your outer shell (your body) reverses direction ..your inner parts , (guts, organs) are still moving and in essence, collide with the outer shell, which can be moving back with almost the same engergy. You now have increased the force these inner parts were subjected to. Thus, bouncing is not good, G force wise.

hmmm..can you please provide a reference for this?

I guess my textbooks are out of date.

I learn a lot on motorcycle forums.

That's about the dumbest thing I've seen in a while. If'n I see a rider wearing one of them, I'll be sure to avoid them like the plague, less I get taken out when they wobble or weave into me.


'04 FJR 1300

What this means is if you hit the ground a certain way, you may "bounce" ..the energy of your impact will be simply redirected, not lost. In some cases this can make things much worse. When you "bounce" your outer shell (your body) reverses direction ..your inner parts , (guts, organs) are still moving and in essence, collide with the outer shell, which can be moving back with almost the same engergy. You now have increased the force these inner parts were subjected to. Thus, bouncing is not good, G force wise.
hmmm..can you please provide a reference for this?

I guess my textbooks are out of date.

I learn a lot on motorcycle forums.

Dunno, try looking up 'Blunt trama" and ' Superball Physics" ...this is the same principle behind why the Snell rating is being questioned. i.e., the helmet is too stiff and imparts more force the the head - OR - the jacket is too stiff and imparts more force to the body.


What do you think of this jacket, worth the price ?
Anyone have one already, your feedback please.\\

Impact Jacket

If you rode off a bridge over troubled waters.

Really, I doubt CO2 can match the speed of a real SIRS. Could be a problem.

I'm interested in the version of the story where seatbelts and helmets can kill you
I agree with BF and can comment on this. A cousin of mine was killed in his car because he had his seatbelt on, and my other cousin survived because he was ejected. A 80's era vehicle yes, and a 1 in a million shot, but it did happen. The front end folded in on the front seats. I always wear my seatbelt.

Anyway, some jacket. Maybe we should just ride with these;


Or, we need to get that safety foam from the movie, "Demolitian Man".
