Installed new Rifle windshiled last night

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Pale Rider 07

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2010
Reaction score
Orlando, Fl
I saw the UPS guy unloading my big box from the truck, in front of the office yesterday. I was horrified to see the box all banged up and portions of it torn. I ran down to the front desk to make sure I had a chance to inspect the windshield before the delivery guy left. Thankfully it was well packed and looked in pristine condition.

Installation took all of about 20 minutes and I was ready to give it a test. I ran up to the grocery store to pick up a couple of things for dinner. I immediately notice a difference at low speeds. The sound of rushing air, which would normally begin around 35 mph, was not there. I was not able to get the bike up to any decent speed, so I would have to wait for my morning commute for the real test.

All I can say is that, to me, this a new bike! As I cruised over to the toll road, 35 - 45, I left the windshield all the way down. I was getting some nice cool morning air in my face, but it was smooth and steady. When I merged on to the toll road and hit about 65 - 70, I raised the shield all the way up and I heard something I had never experienced before on this bike. The sound of my engine. It was great to hear the engine rev up to highway speed and once I was settled in, I was able to use the sound of the engine to help maintain my speed. And it's the little things that you notice, such as being able to turn your head to check the next lane and not getting your head snapped back. Although the best part was being able to ride all the way to work with my visor up. I also noticed that with the windshield all the way raised, I still got a nice, soft flow of air in around my torso from the front instead of the rush of hot air from below. :yahoo:

Why the FJR does not come off the factory floor with a better setup is a mystery to me. This has made such an improvement in the quality of my ride that it does not qualify as a's a requirement!

Hats off to Big-D, your review and pics helped me get here!!

The stats:

I'm 6'1" with a 34 inch inseam

Stock seat raised

Replaced Yamaha OEM Touring windshield which is +4

I ordered the +5 height, +4 width w/gray tint

When fully raised, I'm looking over the top of the windshield by a good inch

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Whatcha doing with that old yami touring shield?
Gonna sell it...need to replenish the farkle account. I have both the stock (never used) and the touring. which I used for a couple of months. Once I figure out what they are worth, I'll post them.

After writing my initial report and seeing how many were either buying or considering a Rifle windshield, I was actually a little worried some may not like it. I'm glad you are experiencing the same excellent results that I experienced.

Now, if I get the same or better satisfaction when I get my Russell seat, I'll be ready to ride anywhere, regardless of the distance. :yahoo:

By the way, if you had said you hated the Rifle and felt you wasted your money, I would have quietly and abruptly blamed it on Fairlaner :angry: :( <_< B)

Great to hear! Glad to see you mirroring the report of quiet at speed with the Rifle.

Mine arrives Thursday.

After writing my initial report and seeing how many were either buying or considering a Rifle windshield, I was actually a little worried some may not like it. I'm glad you are experiencing the same excellent results that I experienced.Now, if I get the same or better satisfaction when I get my Russell seat, I'll be ready to ride anywhere, regardless of the distance. :yahoo:

By the way, if you had said you hated the Rifle and felt you wasted your money, I would have quietly and abruptly blamed it on Fairlaner :angry: :( <_< B)

Why did i Know you were gonna say that.......


I'm with Duck Soup. This is gonna cost me. Got the Calsci large, wanting something better. It's either the Rifle or CB, do we have anybody who has had both and willing to give us a comparo?

Yeah, I want the Russel too..... waiting for a discount in November.

I'm with Duck Soup. This is gonna cost me. Got the Calsci large, wanting something better. It's either the Rifle or CB, do we have anybody who has had both and willing to give us a comparo?
I'll let you know how they compare in about a week or so. Waiting for mine Rifle +5+3 to ship later this week.

I have used a Calsci for the past 38k miles but recently move the seat up to the high position and added a bead pad. This change confirmed to me that the Calsci was a little too short and/or narrow at the top as I was getting some buffeting. I thought it might be from "side winds" and didn't wanta buy another to experiment. I tried the VStream that is going around the forum; but was no better.

Big-D's report and some followup PMs with him confirmed that he and I have a similar upper body height. So I ordered on last week


This makes me feel really good - back in 06, my bike and input were used to help develop the very set up you guys are running today. Plus, Gary at Rifle is a true rider and enthusiast, business guy second. I'm very happy to see 'new peeps' 'discovering' a very good product and company! Sincerely said, dcarver.

Count me in on the Rifle cult. Just ordered a clear +5 +4. Two week wait at this time for production to shipping. Now to try and forget I ordered it so I don't go nuts waiting.

My only previous experience with aftermarket shields has been with a Memphis Shades on a Shadow 1100 and a VTX 1800 (think barn doors) as well as a Tulsa shield on the Valkyrie Interstate. Had the tint on the Valk. That Tulsa made all the difference in long trips with the Valk. Fingers are crossed here for the FJR. Would be nice to be able to listen to some tunes on my way to Alaska this summer.

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Like a many others, I've been looking for a new windscreen for my FJR, actually even before I picked mine up in April. I had narrowed it down to the Vstream and the Rifle, and based on feedback here on the forum, I decided on the Rifle. In late April I called to discuss sizes and ordered the +5/+4 Rifle.

It arrived yesterday and I installed it today, then went for a ride. I totally echo BigD's comments - what a difference!

It's quiet and smooth now, almost whatever height the windscreen is at. I can ride with my visor up too which is very nice!

With the screen all the way up, I'm looking about 1" over the top. I'm 5'10.5" with a 32" (and a bit) inseam. There's a picture on my website -

I heartily recommend the Rifle


Based on the enthusiasm you guys are showing, I'm getting ready to pull the trigger on a Rifle. I think the difference is it is curved a bit more and it is wider at the top too, part of the reason for it's apparent "success". I am 6' /32" inseam.

I would appreciate if one of you with the +5 or +3 could give me a quick height measurement from the bottom of the V trim piece to the top edge. I have a Calsci +4 which is 22" but I don't want to go any higher, I think. It might be nice in the hot weather to be able to raise the shield up more than 3" so there is airflow underneath the bottom corners, which I do now with the Calsci. So if you could, measurement please, so I can decide between a +5 or a +3. Thanks.


Check out my post on this topic a week or so ago with for more info

I am 6' 32" inseam, ride with stock seat in the lower position. I normally ride with my Rifle +3"tall +4" wide. with the screen in almost the all the way up position (less than an 1" from top while commuting, higher for longer distance, higher speed, 2 up riding. It works great for me. But as I don't use the screen in the lower positions, I think I'd be just as happy (maybe happier?) with a +5" as well for the occassional hide behind the screen in rain, etc.
